Deadly SpINS Contests!! Pick A Colorway or Just Like Us!!

KNOCKOUT EDITION blue and black acid wash with red splash

A navy blue cup
and outside baby blue, blue, and violet splash on silver

After seeing your anodized yoyos I felt like I had to step my entry up a little bit to do justice to the yoyo. If this is ok, I would like I add that it be a black and silver/clear acid wash on the inside hub and then add red splash to just the inner hub, while the rest of the yoyo remains the same (red with black and silver/clear acid wash splash.

I’m thinking about colorways inspired by Dr. Suess. The colors on the covers of the books are always interesting to look at. For example Cat in the Hat- red, white, and black splash. Green Eggs and ham- green, yellow, and orange. The lorax- orange, yellow, pinkish, light green…Just a thought…

If possible this would look stunning :smiley: an acid was of Sea Green and Sea Blue then with a splash of Lime Green :smiley: here are the colors I was thinking :slight_smile:

Sea Green:

Sea Blue:

Lime Green:

so it’d be something like this:

Midnight black fade to red with white acid wash splash

A gray base with white and black splash!

since its in October maybe a orange and black splash or candy corn yellow orange white

yellow with blue splash