Dark Magic 2 Responsive/Unresponsive

I got a Dark Magic about a month ago and really enjoying throwing it. I am a little confued though.

I was under the impression that if a yoyo had o-rings then it was responsive and to be unresponsive it shouldn’t have anything. Mine came with two o-rings (silicone) but they have both come off and snapped. I think I over oiled the bearing and got some on the rings. I pressumed that I would now just treat it as an unresponsive yoyo and need to do bind returns. I am finding bind returns almost impossible to do. I am also finding harder to throw a decent sleeper or breakaway. When I watch the video on unresponsive yoyo’s on the learning section I notice that his yoyo has one o-ring only. Not sure how my yoyo should be set up.

Second query
My yoyo came with a second bearing, but not sure what the difference is between the two. I wanted to take my current bearing off in order to compare them but have found it difficult to do. I didn’t want to force it in case I damage the yoyo. Is there a trick to removing the bearing?


PS I am using Hamstring Flea, don’t know if that will make any difference

With out the response pads the yoyo will not return with a bind or any other means. The DM2 can be responsive With the thinner speed bearing or unresponsive with the wider bearing but you need the response pads either way. Not sure about the string. I just use 100% poly string.


Is there a trick to changing the bearing or I do I just need to force it off?

If you have a DM2 it should come off with little effort but if it is stuck a bearing tool is best

i freeze the yoyo half the bearing is in then a little thin lube to grease it up and out it pops

You can use a pair of pliers to carefully wiggle it off.

Your going to need a response system. If yours are shot, get silicone and put some in it.
If your wanting unresponsive, use the wide bearing. If it is still responsive, try cleaning the bearing.

For these things, look here:

Does it matter which tool or are all the tools the same?

You can even use the end of a drill bit, the end that goes in the drill. Just try several until you find one that fits inside the bearing nicely. Place the end in the bearing and carefully wiggle.

You can use pliers, just be certain to be patient and only apply the pressure needed.

Regarding the response:

Response does more than just help the yoyo return. It allows the string to grip the sides of the yo when you throw it down, causing it to spin. Without the response it will just go “Thunk” at the end of the string, with little to no spin.

For YYJ bearings, a 1/4 inch drill bit works fine. Of course he looks to be in the UK so may have to convert to metric.

1: Yes, you’re confused. Thank you for coming here to seek clarification.

2: Responsive vs unresponsive comes from many factors. some of which can be the bearing, the gap, the response and even lube. Regardless, a response system is required as it brings the yoyo back up AND helps the yoyo spin when thrown.

Also, don’t use much lube. It’s better to use LESS than more. You can always add MORE. If you add too much, you need to clean your bearing and start over. It’s an inconvenience. A drop goes a LONG ways.

The yoyo shown in the tutorial vidoes here is an original Dark Magic yoyo. iI has starburst on one side and an o-ring on the other. You’re for sure using a Dark Magic II.

3: Regarding the two bearings. The thinner bearing is for your tug responsive play. The other bearing is for unresponsive play. With the wider gap with the full sized YYJ SPEED bearing, the yoyo is magically transformed from tug responsive to unresponsive. It’s amazing. I mean, it’s great that you get two different performance personalities out of the same yoyo by simply swapping out the bearing. This is one of the many reasons the Dark Magic II is an ideal beginner yoyo with features that appeal to players of every skill level.

4: Lastly, you’re using the wrong string. The Hamstring Flea is designed for the YoYoFactory Mighty Flea. This very small yoyo requires a shorter and thinner string than a normal yoyo. Use a regular length string to start with. If your string is too long, just cut to fit and tie a new knot. It’s not that big of a deal, lots of people do that.

Thanks for all the replies guys. I think I understand a lot more now. Will try the drill bit trick to remove the bearing.

I am in UK, but we use a mixture of imperial and metric, so I’m sure I can find a 1/4 inchdrill bit :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

It would be nice of us Yanks would learn to accept the Metric system. It would be a pain in the butt for me to convert, but I am willing. Standards can be a good thing.

We have a standard. :wink:

Alas, I couldn’t find a 1/4 inch drill bit (bet my dad has one). I could only find a 6mm (too small) and a 6.5mm (too big). Not all imperial sizes convert to metric easily.

I used pliers in the end. Unresponsive bearing fitted. Now just waiting for o-rings to arrive.

We use Metric sized axles.

Sometimes. :wink:

New o-rings fitted. New poly string used. Unresponsive bearing on. All good now. ;D