I don’t suppose you can remember what pads work well with it?
I believe it shipped w ghost pads.worked best with thicker silicone pads (555 or wider)
Mine has some old dif pads, a thick and a thin I think, but they’re totally worn out. Might try and order more or maybe pick up some ghost pads.
wow, I didn’t know, I thought it was the normal darkening of carbon steel (type C40) … what happens, for example, to the blades of Opinel knives.
Do you know the purpose of manganese phosphate coating?
Thanks for this informations!
I’m pretty sure Nate wanted it to be dark/black (ninja lol) and the engraving was cool because it was dark gold on the coating. It was super protective but mainly was just neat to have a yoyo coated in gunmetal.
A fun D bearing plastic is the Aoda knockoff of the FHZ the Cryptic Arc. These are fun and actually play better than Freehand Zeros. Form a collector’s perspective they’re cool as well because it’s an import. @unklesteve mentioned this yoyo in the latest @DocPop Popcast.
Isn’t that the yoyo that @dylan_kowalski helped design back from when he was still sponsored by throw down?
I think he still has it.
Yeah! James Buffington and I got to have a little input on it too. Nate was a really creative designer. He pushed that creativity too far on the Lucha Libre, but it’s too bad he stopped making yo-yo’s because he had a unique approach.
Why wonder? @dylan_kowalski
Hahaha I’m pretty sure he still has it. He rarely sells his yoyos and when he does, the yoyos are usually not those that has sentimental value to him.
New Throw Down Shuriken video on the YouTube thanks to @dylan_kowalski
All this talk made me want to dig out mine.
I managed to find my last pair of ghost pads too, so I took out one of the difs, and used one of the ghosts in there. Always struggled getting it to respond the way I like but this setup is doing ok for now.
@adamantiumpops a lot of D bearing activity since you last updated the list
The A-RT Quail D bearing proto was finally released at the end of last year as The Dale
and the Tiramisu
I am not prepared for this responsibility!
@fatguysnacks247 who makes that one?
Any others anyone can throw at me?
@hobbygod Dressel Designs Assassin and 2nd run 50/50?
I couldn’t read all the replies in the thread because I’m working right now but did anybody mention the tiramisu by RSO?
Few & Far Between Yoyos - the Vow
Round Spinning Objects - Bowl Mini (2nd run D-Bearing version)
You got this!
@jeduardo Zero Gravity has been busy with Ds as well
Sturm Panzer - DStarter and DStarter2
Freshly Dirty - Mod44 (There’s both a C and D bearing version)
Spingear - Metal Spingadget
There’s four more for your list.
@ThatFlippinGuy is dropping the Daredevil here very soon. Another one to keep on your radar.