custom boxes/yoyos, by the people for the people of the people. 6/20/14

Sweet man.
I will be able to make a heck of slot of prototypes because 3D printing is cheap, does take time because it’s some what of a slow process, but cheap. I’ll most likely make a proto of one fast, one floaty, and one hoppy. After collecting data from all 3 I’ll use such data to make the final proto. A few of those will be made and sent out to players and clubs. After gathering feedback, the first run will be released. Not a big fan of offstring so I don’t know how many runs will be made. After quite some time I’ll just make it so that it will be custom ordered.
Ya, it’s gonna be a good year.

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Everything is on hold at the moment. Box work will be on hold for some time do to the act that my partner is starting college. Yoyos will be made as soon as I buy a new laptop that can handle the program my CAD program. I’m gonna use the summer to raise cash for it.

First quick rough draft of a box we are working on. Not officials, it’s going to be more yin-yang.
This was just done over the phone with my partner. The final, on the box itself, will be in 28 stories scheme for the Bonfire side of the top along side with its to side panels, and JackRabbit color scheme for Attic Circle side of the top and its side panels.