Pachyderm Yoyos

I’m starting a company called Pachyderm Yoyos. Pachyderm Yoyos specializes in custom 3D-printed yoyos and prototypes. Choose from our pre-made designs or send your unique idea for us to design and print.

So far I have the Hourglass:

Width: 106mm
Weight: 62.3gms
Diameter: 63mm

And the Isosceles:

Width: 53mm
Diameter: 60mm

(Not currently selling. Will soon.)


I will post updates here on new yoyos I’m working on. Feel free to also suggest things you would like to see on a Yoyo. All 3-D printed of course!


I’ve been thinking about something with magnets recently. Any ideas?

Congrats on finally getting to bring some of your designs to life! How do those two play?

Also, you changed you pfp, and I had no idea who made these for a sec lol.


I’m loving the logo. Elephants are cool. Yoyoing elephants? Fuggetaboutit! Sick.


Thank you! These play great! The Hourglass is very fun although a bit challenging sometimes because of the width. The Isosceles is very performant although it does generate a little wind. If you are interested contact me!

Any ideas for a yoyo incorporating magnets?

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Add some copper wire and a battery? :laughing: Besides that, I’m not sure of anything that wouldn’t be gimmicky. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some use for them, though!

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