Current Droid setup (RSOxFPM)

Love the brass because of the added weight.


OMG! Playing Droid as intended and with badwolf SLICC goldilocks. Heaven!!


I really enjoyed the flat caps, but I’m currently stuck on the energy domes. This thing is so fast!


Mine arrived yesterday but has a lot of vibe on it. Any suggestions?

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Crank it tight and it will play smoother most of the time.

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I don’t want to strip it, it is already relay tight.


RIP lol

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Would send a message to Elvin. He is usually very good about any issues you may have related to a product you purchased .


It is a side effects yoyo so stripping it would just mean you would need another set of side effects, which it came with two pairs. It is also a rare occurrence to strip OD side effects, I have never come across this in the forums, chats or personally. But being an SE TiSS, you may need to just readjust the Side Effects as this can be a thing with SE throws.


Remove side effects.
Lube o-ring on side effects.
Reassemble and crank it down HARD.


If all previous suggestions fail, send me a PM and we can talk about SE tuning. Essentially you will keep micro adjusting one of the SEs’ rotation to gradually alter the alignment of the two halves until they line up in a congruent way. Once you find this sweet spot, I recommend marking each half with a little piece of tape before you take it apart so that you can realign them to the same spot when you put them back together. - a small price to pay to have a modular/replaceable axle system.


This is the way.


Missed a prefect opportunity to say “Don’t have a TiSSSE fit”


My droid box came empty! I can’t believe this I opened up the package and there was no yo-yo just open cylinder!

What? Is this real? You can probably contact Philip from yoyofriends for help. That sucks!!

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This is real, I cannot believe this! Idk what happened. I’m hoping it was just a shipping mistake and they send me another one

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Hey Ian! Yoyofriends has gotten your message and I’ve also told them about it. They will follow up with you! Apologies for the unpleasant surprise.


Hey there! From my experience with SE yo-yos I don’t think “tighter is better”. You’ll have to find a sweet spot and tuning is required. FPM was in charge of the QC and fulfillment but they had sent me 4 yo-yos which they think would be “A grade” and I did agree with their level of QC.

Could you contact me via the RSO Instagram or Facebook to let me know more? I can also guide you on the tuning process. SE yo-yos are generally not as “dead smooth” like non-SE yo-yos, but should have a minimum standard of smoothness.


Thank you so much @lytelvin. I really appreciate your help

Agree. You wouldn’t actually “strip” anything though because the SE moves in the yo-yo before you can strip the threads in the SE itself. In the unlikely event that the threads strip, you’ll just have to swap out a pair of SE. Also the aluminium SE would be damaged before the harder titanium yo-yo halves. In fact, many SE yo-yos sold today are cranked really tightly. I do not think cranking it tight is the best way to smooth out the yo-yo though - finding the sweet spot is the key. Just unscrew it and don’t worry about it, then start tuning it.