Crucial: Heavy Cream Review - dcs937

Crucial Heavy Cream uni4rm


Package Open:
My girlfriend bought this for me which i am very thankful for. I got the package and it was realllly cool. I wear the shirt that came with it all the time. It was a milk carton that has a lot of jokes on it, most probably not allowed on this board. Heh. I can say the nutritional facts are funny. The Yoyo is awesome, very stylish. I love the 2 tones of purple and love the shape. Bigger than I imagined. Also very cool ano. I was really looking forward to throwing this since it was soooo unique.

First throw:
Wow i love this string it came with (red, cotton. really cool) and I’m curious about the grooved bearing. O wait, more than 2 wraps it gets caught and knotted in the bearing then gripped. Looks like I will have to change the bearing…

I felt this was needed. The original would spin forever but really caught the string at time i never wanted it to on MANY throws. Changed the bearing with everything I had. CLYW, one drop, center trac. Best fit was center trac. The bearing seat is way too large and it falls right out when you open the yoyo if you get a wrap. This makes the spin time not as long but also easy to change the bearing, unlike YYF where it sticks in there and you need pliers. In conclusion this is a big problem. I bought a terrapin X chrome and I’m very happy with this. The grooved bearing is louder than a dry yoyojam bearing.

The yoyo runs back to your hand on random times no matter what your doing. It also feels weird with the ghost pads binding. Almost like its eating up the string and slips for a second which is what is causing it to do it. I have used many yoyos and this is the weirdest resonse I have ever used. It just feels “dirty”. It’s hard to explain. I switched it with chaz pads. Now the response is just right. I think the spr resonse was a great idea to be able to switch out different sizes.

There is a really cool ano but its horrrrible for grinding. The IRG is great. The rest there is too much friction. I can get many repeat finger grinds on my clyws etc but this ano is pretty much “sticky” in my eyes. Or hands…

Conclusion: Stock. I HATE IT and think it has many flaws which i stated earlier. After I switched the bearing and response pads I really love this yoyo. It has good stability, not too floaty, not too heavy. I think it plays pretty light for what I am used to (clyw I play most). Kind of too light… The shape makes it great for whips. When I use this throw I never even think about grinding with it because I know it could just kill the spin too soon then land with a bad bind.

Advice: I hate the bearing/response ghost pads. When I changed the pads it was hard for me to get it to my liking. I feel like the grooved bearing/response were made to help eachother out. Keep the string in the middle/have strong response to make up for it. I literally could pick up the yoyo without binding with the normal response. My advice is to change both response and bearing. If this yoyo was a little bit heavier and fit the bearing size better annnd had better ano it would be perfect.