Wow. My northstar cracked and I havent used it in 1 day.[tr][td][/td][/tr]
Sorry, lol yye was taking awhile to let me attach photos. but there up now
Dude that sucks I would contact yye and yyf and see what ya can do
I emailed yyf and im going to see IF i can get a new one or something. doubt i will though.
how did it crack?
Literally, NO IDEA. I havent used it in a day, it has not been touched or move around. Then i came home today to find it cracked when i havent even used it in a day. I think YoYoFactory should make there yoyo’s out of a better plastic.
YF will replace it, you have to send that one back though.
Do you think they would give me a protostar instead ? since its worth the same value ? ← stupid question but im dying to know the answer haha
If you asked them to, they probably would, but I don’t know for sure.
would you still recomend the yoyo?

would you still recomend the yoyo?
now that mine cracked, no. But before it cracked it was a good yoyo.
That looks like a crack caused by temperature change.
I’m not sure if this is true of yoyos, but bowling balls made of plastic can crack if you leave it on a cold surface (such as a marble floor).
This is probably because the plastic that touches the cold floor is cooled and shrinks, while the core, made of a different material, doesn’t shrink as quickly.
I suppose the weight rings in the protostar/northstar are not made of the same plastic, thus the plastic portion of the yoyo gets cracked when you cool it.
I guess this is one reason why metals are better than plastics. I’ve yet to see metal crack.
To prevent plastics from cracking, you can use a bag or cloth, to keep the yoyo from touching the cold surface/floor.
yeah the weight rings are fitted really tight in the northstar, so the right ding or some plastic shrinkage will cause a stress fracture. YYF will replace it. 99.9% sure. their customer service is legendary.
YYF is sending me a new ns. thanks everybody for the help, thread closed.