Could IYYC serve as a Worlds preview?

What do you mean by that? Can you elaborate?

Sorry by not being as clear: If you do a combo, and it ends up in a GT, wouldn’t it be easier to just get in any GT, wouldn’t the entire combo be unnecessary if it just ends up in the same place.

sorry if it still makes no sense. lol.

EDIT: edited to make sense. I think…

Usually the GT is only there because it happens. It’s not like the goal of the trick is to end a GT, the goal of the trick is to get points through string hits and creativity and the such. The ending is probably the least important point. But what’s the point of what you’re saying? I didn’t get that.

It made SOOO much more sense in my head, lol.

The thing you need to realize with worlds is that the judges are going to be very different than any other contest that has happened this year.

This means that even if Carlos Braun scored high with European judges, or Ahmad Kharisma scored high with Asian judges, they are going to be facing both asian and european judges and the outcome could be vary different.

Each judge will probably tend to score elements from his region higher, because that is what he is used to. The person who will win worlds is the person who will score high with judges from any part of the world.

Now, who will win? Let us analyze this. All judges score slacks and very difficult tricks high. Asian judges tend to score speed and horizontals. I don’t really know what European judges like. American judges tend to score large, flashy elements.

The person who will win worlds is the person who has: slacks, hard tricks, speed, horizontals, and large flashy elements, and whatever elements European judges like.

Agree? disagree?