Who do you think is the winner of WYYC2023?

Hi This is my first topic on this topic. I am very excited about WYYC2023! Because the host country is Japan!
Now, let’s get down to business. Who do you all think will win the world championship this year?

  1. If you can, please write your predictions from 1A to 5A.
  2. If it is difficult to choose, please narrow it down to 3 people.
  3. you do not have to predict all five styles of play.
  4. please write more than one.
    5.If possible, please tell us why you thought so.
    Thank you for reading this far.
    Sorry for my poor English (I am a Japanese junior high school student studying English) Your comments are welcome!

Keep in mind I’m in the US, so I’m not as familiar as I should be with players outside of the US contest scene… BUT…

If Hunter Feuerstein hits clean, he’s got a real shot at taking the 1A win. Same exact thing for Connor Seals. I’d be a little surprised if Evan took it again this year, his Nats routine was safe this year and both Hunter and Connor would’ve cleared him if they had hit clean.

Also VERY much looking forward to Mir Kim’s performance and seeing how he performs in a live contest scenario. If he’s as good in person as he is on video, my guess is that it’ll be a toss up between Hunter, Connor, and Mir for first (assuming no one has any major deductions and hits a clean routine).

I’m personally rooting for Hunter this year… that kid literally eats, breathes and sleeps yoyoing. From what I’ve heard his friends say, he probably puts more time into practicing than anyone out there rn. And I def think he deserves it!


I will just get my prediction in 1A and here is my top 5:

  1. Kohei Nishimura: this is top contender for sure, performance is clean in JN except for 5.0 hook, if he got it this time with no miss or major deduction, then here comes new champ

  2. Mir Kim: Kid is Meta expert. As long as he can keep it like in OWYYC then no clicker is needed

  3. Park Joon Sang: Sang proved it at Korea National and a promising one

  4. Evan Nagao: US champs will put in effort to get back his world title

  5. Shion Araya: Well no words needed, he proved it in the past with 2 champions

Players I’m not sure will attend that I wish they’ll win:

  • Takeshi Matsuura
  • Yuki Nishisako
  • Tony Sec

Anw, good luck and wish the best to all players


Thanks for your reply. I too think those people will come out on top. Ryuichi Nakamura and Chen Yang also have a chance to win if they can control their mistakes.
I am really looking forward to Keiran Cooper’s freestyle.


Thanks for the reply, evan’s 2023Nats freestyle was great so I think a second win is possible. I just checked the list of contestants and it looks like Tony Sec will also be competing in the preliminaries. I’m looking forward to it!


From Europe only guys who imo have chance at winning this year is Michael Malik and Jakub Dolejš


Tough to call. I’ve never saw Mir Kim much outside the OYYC but if he’s anything like that on stage I could see him winning. I think he will win one eventually if not this year. Kohei Nishimura’s japan nats freestyle landing several crazy hooks was insane. I could see him winning if he pulls off something like that again. I hope Evan changes his routine and comes with something new for worlds, nats was solid but lacking compared to recent years. He’s said he’s been practicing 4-8 hours a day since nats in a recent live. I really liked Connor Seals style, I think his performance was my favorite this year at nats. Hunter’s routine is top notch of course. It’s too tough to pick for me right now. I’d like to see Connor win worlds. Thinking how good this years US 1A nats was I think this years worlds should be pretty intense. Looking forward to it.

Just saw it said to narrow it down to 3…man I don’t think I can.


Thanks for your reply. I too think Connor has a good chance of winning if he can control his mistakes, and Kohei’s signature yo-yo has been improved for this competition.
Kohei’s technique is very clean and I think he will be able to get a high ranking if he is recognized for it.
I think Hayato Itani and Kobayashi Toya from Japan will also perform well. Please check them out if you like.
I am looking forward to Ahmad Kharisma’s artistic freestyle.


I don’t have a particularly strong feeling about any placing this year except that I really don’t see Connor Seals winning.

I would say 1a is between Evan Nagao, Mir Kim and Hunter Feuerstein

2a competitors would be Connor Scholten or Shu Takada (is he still competing).

5a not sure who takes 1st. I’m hoping for Yoshihiro Abe

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This is possibly my picks who will be in top 5 this year if they go clean

  • Itani Hayato
  • Nishimura Kohei
  • Nakamura Ryuichi
  • Nagao Evan
  • ???
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I can see he will be in top 5

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Thank you for your reply. I have read the histories. I did not delete your comment.
In 1A, those two will be at the top of the list.
In 2A, I think Shu Takada, Arata Imai, and Hajime Sakauchi are likely to win.
In 5A, I am also rooting for Yoshihiro Abe.
I am also looking forward to seeing Quoc Anh’s fast play and Sora Ishikawa’s tricks.

Thank you for your reply. I agree with your opinion, I think it’s a good idea to have a good idea of what you are talking about. Hayato is a main member of mowl and has shown remarkable growth in recent years, so he will be ranked high.
I think Kohei Nishimura will also be ranked high if he can get a good hook.

As long as nishimura has a new fs routine for wyyc finals and not using from his previous ones in regionals and nationals because its too predictable, he could possibly get to top 3 easily.

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Man I hope Mir Kim hits clean. I think this kid will without a doubt take the W if his stage presence is there. His tricks are next level!


Thanks for replying. I’m sure Mir Kim has met with Gentry Stein and learned how to use the stage effectively, so I think the perfection is tremendous. (It was on Gentry’s youtube).

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The composition of the freestyle will likely change. He had a little problem with the song he used in JN, so I think he will change the song and create a new freestyle structure at the same time.

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Hopefully this will happen, also I’m looking forward for Nakamura’s FS since I want him to make up with his previous JN routine and rank higher.

Not sure if he stick on using ayumu’s onslaught or he’ll switch with his new prototype yoyo that he teased since JN and SYYC.

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Yes I’ve watched that video several times lol. His little sister is going to be one of the greats as well. Miri I believe is her name. She is insanely good. I would go as far as saying I like her style even more than Mir’s. I literally got the Miracle yoyo because of that video. Huge fan of both players.

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