I recommend the one drop cascade and the yyf equilatera.
Both are smooth, stable, and fun.
I recommend the one drop cascade and the yyf equilatera.
Both are smooth, stable, and fun.
$208 Gnarwhals are coming out soon
Check out some of String Theory’s yoyos. They’re definitely great. I’ve also been playing the YYJ Inspire lately, and that’s really fun, too.
C3 Halo. You could get a few.
I think a YYF Equilateral will blow your mind.
$247.99 buy a CLYW i guess?
204.05 and either wait for the cliff or get the new avalanche
No guess on the $$ as I would be DQ’d
Get a black Nessie to go with the black string!!!
Yes, he knows the magic number. Great recommendations, keep them coming. A few people forgot to recommend a purchase for me. Don’t forget that step, for those of you who have not posted yet. Good numbers in here too, a few of them really close.
$216. 99
Get a trigger, nuff said
$200 flat I think. And you should get a yyf MVP 2.
I THINK it would be around $206.30? An also even though its a way simpler and not entirely metal yoyo like others have suggested, I would suggest the Dark Magic II.
Oh, I forgot to reccomend a purchase. Is it too late? I reccomend the OD dang
Awesome idea!
Hmm… $237.49
I would say a C3 Beserker. Those things are amazing and definitely worth a jar of change.
I accept the entry. While you cannot modify your original post of the dollar amount, nothing in the rules says you cannot post the recommendation in a different post. You got it in before the deadline…it’s good. Keep the posts coming.
Going with $201.83.
Which would be plenty for an Anti-Yo SLCK WET.
And pick up a Cascade, a C3 Trident or a El Ranchero!
pick up a rec rev TA-1A, amazing metal, affordable, you will never regret it!