Contest: share your most "beat" yo-yo, win a new yo-yo! [ended 11/16]


This is my Czech Point Pivot (CPP). There are many like it but this one is mine.

My CPP is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my CPP is useless. Without my CPP, I am useless. I must throw my CPP true. I must throw straighter than my competition who is trying to defeat me. I must win the championship before he wins against me. I will…

Before the YYE forums, I swear this creed. My CPP and I are the throwers of the Magic Drop. We are the masters of the Shockwave. We are the fingerspinner to end all fingerspinning.

So be it, until throwing is universal and there are no more tricks to learn!

Ok ok…enough silliness.

This thing was beat to heck. I bought it in Germany years ago and it’s stuck with me ever since. I took it with me while I traveled to 19 countries in Europe and dinged it off just about every hard surface I could find in hotels, on promenades, in the subways…etc…

Fortunately all the dings were around the rims, and so recently I took some heavy grit sandpaper to it and filed down the burrs knicks and scratches so it was at least smooth and didn’t cut my hand on the return. As a result of course the paint was all worn away. The one day I was looking at some hand made Japanese steel kitchen knives in some fancy store in Switzerland and thought “whoa…damascus steel looks cool, I wonder what a yoyo would look like in that form?”

In any case obviously it’s too late to reforge this yoyo…but I thought I could get at least a pretty cool looking hammered edge along the rim…so I took a ball peen hammer to it.

I was certain that this would make it vibe like hell. But as a matter of fact this thing is a 10/10 smoothness. I love this thing. I take it everywhere…I’ve traveled with it, shared memories with it…play with it in front of toddlers so they can be entertained for hours…it’s my yoyo buddy. And frankly…I wouldn’t trade it for anything.