Congratulations André and Devon!

Yes Go forth and conquer the world

My next license plate is going to be “EVILINC” with a picture of Doof to the left of it. My currently plate is MINION :slight_smile:

Just wanted to say a big thank you for people’s kind words here.

The two businesses are very much meant to be their own separate operations but obviously they both will empower each other at the same time! We are especially lucky to have people like Eric Koloski who is awesome enough to be able to wear both hats and work with both sides!

They have two different ‘goals’ and while they both align in many respects. And of course you can bet that there will be more yo-yos in stock at A2Z soon! :wink:

Reminder to all who get up to Northampton area - we teach yo-yo classes three days a week at A2Z - 4:30pm to 5:30pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays!

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maaaaaaaaaaan…I wish someone near me would teach yoyo classes. that would be awesome.

Jack and Priscilla created such a special unique place in A2Z I am so happy that the torch has been passed to the capable hands of Andre and Devon who I have no doubt will continue to keep helping kids love to learn through play and keep the wonderful welcoming loving environment that A2Z has always been. :slight_smile: