Congrats Andre and Devon!

“Pierce Oliver Boulay was born at 10:55 P.M. He weighed 8 LBS. Andre said Devon was exhausted but doing well and Pierce is strong and healthy”

Just wanted to say congrats to Andre and Devon!

Congrats to the happy and lucky couple! Been there 4 times, but nothing quite like the first.

I was trying to post something earlier but my internet provider felt it was more important to have a complete network outage.


Congrats Andre and Devon.
You should at least credit the Yoyojam post on Facebook where you copied that.

They also posted a pic. You should edit it into your original post :smiley:


Congrats Andre! Two babies born to royalty today! :smiley:

Its just one of them is more royal. (DUH, Pierce)

Cant wait for him to grow up and be a national yoyo master like his daddio.

With two professional yoyoers for parents. This kid is going to be a prodigy ! :slight_smile:

Give him 10 years, he’ll be unstoppable…

Joy to the world, the next NATIONAL YOYO MASTER has been born!!! You know, I heard about this little guy in the form of BAD news, LOL. Andre couldn’t do Triple Crown because of him, and I really wanted to go…but it is all good, I am now going to Worlds instead! Blessing in disguise in guess, LOL.


Congrats you two and welcome to parenthood. It is easily the most rewarding thing I have ever been a part of in my life. Enjoy every second of it and make as much time as you can for him as all of the “firsts” will only happen once. I try to think of it as mine will only be 10 years 3 months and 18 days old today and it helps keep things in perspective ;D

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Is there a Dark Magic 3 under his blanket?

Believe me; yoyos are the last thing on his mind right now. I’d be surprise if any one sees him for the next six months at least.

Oh this explains no YYE booth at Worlds. I see now :slight_smile:

Wow so handsome. Crazy World, my better half’s sister is having a baby girl right now. Hope the best.

Welcome to the world of parenting!

If you ever need tips, my parents know what to do! I’m one of eight! :wink:

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Well woop-di-do.

im one of eleven. limited edition and crap.

Yoyojam posted this on facebook, so that’s awesome to hear, Andre! Now you can look forward to an investment that’s more costly than a Ferrari in the long run, but worth it because you get a kid! Just make dang sure he likes yo-yos…xD But honestly, glad to see you are now a dad man!


dude i was joking haha