Congrats Andre and Devon!

Congrats! :smiley:

That’s awesome! Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! My advice is enjoy every moment to its fullest. As strange as it is yesterday my youngest son turned two…

Congrats guys… Studio42 good to see your doing good

Congrats guys

Congrats! Surprised he wasn’t born with a dm2 in his hands.

Naww he was born doing a trapeze with a dm3

I’m pretty sure they have the production stage down.


Congratulations! It’s a trip. 2 and counting over here. Wouldn’t trade being a dad for anything. It’s hard work, but satisfying work and it makes me smile every single day (even the days when it also makes me exhausted and frustrated).

What a blessing!

Congrats! I have a couple of noobs, myself. Prepare to forget what free time is, save at the expense of sleep. =]

Awww it’s a wittle baby! How cute! Is be going to be a little yoyoer too someday?

Maybe the baby needs a Flea. I bet he’s playing unresponsive already anyway.

That’s such a cute photo…two generations of Boulay men! A healthy baby is something to celebrate!

Congratulations Andre and Dev’!

Well, say goodbye to all of your infinite spare time…! Congrats!






Congrats! Kids are awesome - I have 5 of them ranging from 13 to 3 months old. All with the same woman too >.> :smiley:

Anyway, good luck if you thought learning an insane yoyo trick was the hardest thing ever, just you wait…

