Complete this sentence

Flamingo twirling a yoyo in the air

Noonar is a:

cartoon character.
To be, or not to be…

That is the question

Friendship is…


Sometimes I like to look in the mirror and…

I see the evils in my past looking back at me
Why is that on your face because…

Person- “why is that on your face”
Me- “because it’s raining mustard”

Do your best because…

You will get the Paycheck (Big Cash Money Wad)

When you get a yoyo related item in the mail, you celebrate by…

Reading reviews about that item on the web and thinking “I HAVE IT NOW SUCKA!”

My crush just asked me out…

but then he said it was a prank and pushed me down a hill (true story)
If I was Pops from Regular Show…

“we’ll all be turds”

Coffee is awesome cause…

my creamer tastes like ice cream!!!
If I had a dog for a hand…

Peeing would be a lot easier.

I won’t jump in the pool because last time,

someone Pooped in the pool and didn’t clean it up? :stuck_out_tongue:

When all your yoyos go missing…


you have no choice but to take up another hobby. Perhaps model building?

Since I ate those bad tomatoes yesterday…

I have had incredible stomach aches. (BTW I hate tomatoes)

I accidentally at my yoyos, so I…


have to wait until I am more responsible to get a new throw.

Why are you wearing that…

pair of Over-Alls filled with yoyos?

When your yoyos are covered with cheese…

you must be in heaven!

The weird part of YouTube is…

when you know all the words to the Gibberish Rap
So have you heard that…