Complete this sentence

A nuclear explosion that wipes out mankind.

Your being chased by a pack of chocolate covered walruses with a pineapple on your head, then suddenly!

I mix my pineapple with their chocolate.

Yoyoexpert closes down so I will…

Kill myself brutally with a potato skinner.

The porta-potty fell off my camel when…

WAIT! I don’t have a camel never mind.

We’re going to fly wether you…

Lol you don’t have any General-yo? Sad…

Sentence completion: like it or not :wink:

I wish I could go to WYYC13, but I had to…

this pilot is faking a heart attack or not
What I meant to say was…

nope. I didn have the mOney when YYE released the majesty, and I’ve been to lazy to look other places for general-yo :smiley:

…I did not flush the gold fish down the toilet

I need a pet monkey or I’ll…

probably spontaneously combust(and therefore die)

Unless you like cheese…

We will take your (inset most prized throw) and ding it

Our generation is a fricken…

doomed one.

I liked you until you…

Told me yoyos were stupid. Now I have no respect for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

My yoyo string snapped and went flying into a…

bucket of spit I collected from sitting next to Stephen Hawking on a train
I would tell you I love you but…

I really don’t
Shooby, dooby doo, ba, shooby, dooby doo, ba…

Why did you refill…

my AMMO tube with Cotton string?

Finish this…

puzzle, because I see you’re too busy playing with a remote control
I still laugh when…

When people ding their yoyo.

when I use cotton string…

…I lack slack and nearly strangle myself.

Then people say…

Everybody walk like a dinosaur.

the meaning of life is…


YoyoJordan is a…