Competition yoyos

the 2014 genesis is amazing when they make a full release i will probably be getting myself one or two more depending on how much money i have.

Oh boy.
I can do any tricks with any yoyo (unresponsive, no narrow shapes). I just need to be more careful with how I execute them.
Heck J-Kimsy (Jensen Kimmitt) won worlds with a Northstar.
I just performed at my towns talent show, with an AC2 and did very well.
My theory on the whole “competition yoyo” thing
Relatively good at horizontal

Thats it, everything on this thread has been emphasizing those three points more than anything else.
With this, there are so many yoyos that you can just pick one that looks the coolest or something.
Having the yoyo be outrageously expensive is an illusion that we all look at. A Draupnir has earned itself a reputation of being a very respectable yoyo. BUT Im sure that I could do just as well with a Protostar.
Here’s my point
People want a stable yoyo because on stage you have a lot more stress and pressure which will cause you to slip somewhere. With the yoyo being very stable, you have much more leeway on your tricks and the probability of losing spin or something lowers itself immensely.

this has literallyy been said over 20 times in this thread. I realized that, but I don’t care.

well I apologize, if you dont care, dont read it.

Sorry that was harsh. I just had kind of a bad day and was looking for an excuse to rant. Again, I apologize.

paul gettin down with a super long spinning draup.

oops nevermind its just a 45 dollar yyf.

Difference is, that you have to be Paul to do that with a $45 YYF. Give me a draupnir and anybody could throw that routine down, even my 5 year old nephew. Maybe if Paul threw that pro stuff (Draupnir) he woulda won worlds…ooooooo wait I didn’t!!!

But seriously, I heard you don’t even need to learn when you get a draupnir, you just know when it hits your hand.

I actually heard a Draupnir is going to win worlds by itself…no player attached to it…
I also heard Chuck Norris owns 3…

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I swear, in the future where yoyos will spin for hours on a regular throw, there will be at least one person that says:
"hey hey! If jensen won worlds with a plastic, anyone can!’

Aside: I would just hate it… HATE it if yoyos could spin perpetually. There’s nothing about that idea that appeals to me in the least. It ANTI-APPEALS to me. :wink:

Totally agree. Yoyo’s are a perfect balance IMO as they are right now. Takes skill to be good, but better than they were back in the day. I like where we’re at just now.

why is this first world problem still alive

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Hahaha! That was so funny!

Wow, whatever, thanks to the people that were helpful, you know who you are. But to those who make pointless posts, just stop. I don’t understand why you guys repeat the same statement countless times and think your original.

I’d use it to power my house.

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Good idea