common comments


That’s what I would of said if I had a metal.

i mostly get stuff like “i can do that” and “its a fake yoyo, right?” and then my physics teacher was like the only person smart enough to know that it’s bearings in it. i dont get the awesome aisan comments :frowning:

“Is that a regular yoyo?”

I never know how to respond. lol It’s like… it’s definitely more “regular” than it was 10 years ago, but then again, it’s still not “commonplace.”

haha I heard another:

“That’s not a real yoyo, It’s not even spinning!”

In public:

1.) Wow…

2.) You have no life (from friends)

3.) How do you do that?

On video:

1.) Good as always (DudeofRock18 always comments first =D)

2.) It looks sped up.

3.) Good

“your yoyo’s broken.”
“Your so asian.”
"Matt Its not working!


I don’t even want to start :stuck_out_tongue:
Most of mine have already been mentioned but, yeah.

“Get a life”
“You have no friends”
“Do walk the dog!”
“Gimme you Yo-Yo!!! I can’t kick you butt with it!” <-- I give it to them, and they usually get a ding.

Most of my actual friends say “You’re just jealous” to the insulters :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate when people say it all looks the same.

“walk the dog”
“do the shoulder trick” (pop the clutch)
" is it still spinning"
“dude you are pro”
“how long have you been doing this”
“is that a trick yoyo”
“can i try” -> “it wont come up” ( haha i get it)
“i would like to see you do that and have a life at the same time”
" is that your yoyo in your pocket or are you just happy to see me" i loled

I had a kid say that he was doing this stuff when he was about 6 years old. Were yoyos like these even around in 1999?

Is that a “special” yo-yo?

Same here. Oh and miggy, you might this one too.

“Aren’t you too old for that?”

That’s when I ask them if they are too old for their Wii, PS3, X-Box 360 and the psp they have in their pocket. lol

Is their a trick that wraps in your neck? (They mean suicide)

What! No Knots?

Can you do that? (That really pissed me, We/I have out own styles, We/I can’t copy every move. Because They think ALL tricks have tutorial. grrr.)

You’re too old

much more this… - You to be popular don’t you.

Small Brain

Is it still spinning?

And so many more…

one time some tool came up close in my face while i was playing sidestyle and said “hit me and you’re dead”. so of course he’s TRYING to be a jerk at this point. So I told him I felt lucky and proceeded to do boingy-boing inches from his face while he’s trying not to blink (tough guy, right?). I was doing that for about 10-12 boings before he backed up and said “yoyoing is [mentally challenged]”, he then turned to his friends and said “right guys?”. It was like he needed his friends to agree with him to justify his insult. It’s funny that on several occasions his friends were actually the most interested in any group watching me.