Cold Metal GUN,Axiom

What do you think about Cold Metal GUN and Axiom??

I have an Axiom and it is my favorite yo-yo.
I have a red one with synergy caps and it works the best of all my yo-yos.
but what is the Cold Metal? Is it new yo-yo?
can you show me a picture?
Here is URL on is the russian site with russian textes but here is translate:GUN-is the fifth yoy-yo from company Cold Metal and this is yo-yo of the player theGoodOne.So and further there are some very good characteristics of it.

I have a red axiom with synergy caps as well but I don’t really play my caps that often. I like the axiom, it grinds really smooth and it feels great in the hand. I think its a bit undersized as well. I like to compare it as a “durable 888” says some folks. Once you try it you’ll love it.

I just love the axiom, cant get enough of it!