All Metal YoYoJam - Which is Better?

First of all - cool site! I had been waiting for ExpertVillage to re-organize the video links so this makes things much better.

I currently have an 888, a G5, a Dark Magic, and a KickSide.
I was thinking about getting one of the new metal YoYoJam yo-yos…
But I am not sure which is better, Axiom or Meteor.
Does anyone have any experience with either of these and can offer me some help or guidance in a decision?

Thank you for your time.


Hi David,

Welcome to the forums!

Both the Axiom and Meteor are great choices.
Personally I prefer playing with the Axiom - its a nice size and weight.
But it all comes down to preference. Take a look at the pictures of it online and choose whichever one you think fits your playing style. Let us know if you have anymore questions!


i love my axiom and would highly recommend it. although, i have never played with a meteor and cannot say which one i prefer more. in any case, (just like YYE said) they are both great yo-yos

Please dont bring old posts back,this was the first post ever in this section and some of the people that replyed to that arent here anymore.



Oh, those were good times, huh?