Code1 or Sasquatch?

Hey i’ve had a real hard time deciding between these yo yo’s, what do you guys think of each of them? Also if there are others like these (full size metal), please let me know what ones you like and don’t like! Thanks in advance :wink:

the code 1 is honestly the best yoyo I’ve ever used. It’s dead smooth on the string, grinds great, haa an exceptional weight distribution for great spin time, a pretty much perfect weight, and sits in your hand nicely. There’s nothing bad I can say about it. Plus it looks stunning in pretty much every colourway I’ve seen. Relic being my favourite.

So of course my vote foes for the code 1.

I haven’t actually tried a sasquatch sadly.

Also, the CODE1 has side effects, so you can change up the weight and how the yoyo feels. Tey are both great throws and extremely stable, but I reccomend the CODE1 because, in a sense, you can have multiple yoyos. Also, look at the 54 by OD. It is über comfortable and utilizes side effects. The Avalanche by CLYW is awesome too. Fast, comfortable, and the new ones have epic colorways. Lastly, (and my favorite) is the DIETZ. I know it’s not full size, but I can’t stress its’ awesomeness. It looks akward to hold but is not. It uses side effects. Basically my favorite throw.