I’ve recently gotten the chance to throw a Quail around which I know was done by One Drop and has their pyramatte finish. It feels shockingly close to my 2015 Chief which has that kind of glossy feeling and shine to it. I love how it feels because while I prefer how glossy finishes look, this finish isn’t sticky like a normal glossy yoyo. So it doesn’t just kill the spin when it bumps into my body, and it can still grind competently.
I was curious if this Chief actually does have a pyramatte finish from OD? And what other CLYWs have this finish?
This Chief feels nothing like any other CLYW I own, all of my other CLYWs (2013-2014 era stuff) have a softer matte blast. I’d like more things like this Chief, but I don’t know what to look for or if this even is pyramatte.