Cleveland Yo-Yo Club Robbed!

I think its best to spread this around as much as we can.

Im definately going to help! Thanks for posting!

Wow, that is truly screwed up. They can go die in a bush!

Cocks shotgun

Kidding, guns are dangerous.

Thanks for getting this up Samad

Why would anyone steal from a yoyo club??? It’s not worth that much to most people anyways… I think that CENSORED is actually a yoyoer too… :-\ Bad thought. :’(

That’s horrible. Would help out, but can’t really because kids can’t solicit/give $ over net without a good being offered. Maybe I’ll ask my parents.


YEAHH Model 1887 AKIMBO!
MW2 anyone?


:(ill keep them in my prayers :frowning:

This is sick… I don’t understand how anyone could do something like that.

You have to feel for the owners of that club… I’m going to talk to my parents about hopefully helping them too.

Wow…how desperate can you get. The world is full of low lifes…how shame, robbin a community yoyo store. This makes me sick >:(


As some of you know, I help run the Cleveland Yo-Yo Club. I can’t tell you how grateful we are of all you guys trying to help us!

WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT! One way or another…we’re gonna get through this!

I get to see the video of the robbery tomorrow afternoon! I’m hoping to get a plate and perhaps even see the guy who did it!

I’ll keep everyone posted!

Perry “Modfather” Prine

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Good luck with catchin the guy modfather

I still do not understand not only why would someone rob a store, but why rob a yoyo store…

I get my paycheck on saturday. I would be happy to donate a few bucks. that is horrible. i mean i know the undying torment of wanting a new yo… but that was just not cool. i think every last person who has made yoyoing what it is today, deserves full credit. full payments. full respect. these guys are my hero’s that just got robbed! >:( times are hard enough for extra cash as it is GRRRRRRRRRR ARRRRRR MMMMMMM RRRRRRRR GRRRRRR okay im gonna go play with my yo and blow some steam. hang in there guys.