Christmas Ideas

I recently broke in to unresponsive yo yo play with the DM2, and I loved it. Unresponsive is far more creative, and I find myself learning something new every day about my own form and function with the yo yo and string.

Thing is, my girl friend asked me what yo yo I want for Christmas.

Ideally I’d enjoy something metal, or at least metal rimmed, and I’ve been very interested in hub stack tech. Anything under 35 dollars would be ideal. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Much appreciated.



Shinwoo Dolphin, yyf protostar, northstar also you could get a POPstar.

yoyofactory plastic grind machine is good if you want hubstacks YoYoFactory – YoYoExpert
the yoyojam legacy2 and chaser are both great plastics aswell.

Hubstacked and under $35? Plastic Grind Machine, it’s your only choice.

Metal rimmed? It’s going to be hard to beat the DM2. Might want to just skip that.The DM itself is a reallt great yoyo, so all you’re going to get is a second yoyo, which is cool. More is better and variety is great.

Full metal at under $35? Not a lot of great choices. There’s some. Not making recommendation as I don’t have any except the Duncan metal Drifter and that needs to be beefcaked with the Terrapin X A+ Beefcake for FHZ, the bearing cleaned and sticker pulled before it’s usable. All told, that will get you a little above $35 range on average.

Northstar and Protostar are great players. I’m tempted to get a Counter Attack. Just under $35. They are almost identical, but the Northstar is a bit heavier.

if you want hubstacked, go with the Grind Machine($30) by yoyofactory on this site…
metals by brand that are semi inexpensive but good:
brand : yoyo : Price
Yoyofactory popstar($26)
Yoyofactory DV888 ($45)
Shinwoo ZEN series ($45)
For good plastics,
Yoyojam (all of them are good for the most part)
YoyoFactoy Countaerattack($32)
YoyoFactory Protostar($35)
That’s a good range of the ones I have used…Hope this helps!

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Tell her whatever yo-yo she thinks looks nice. You’d be surprised when you give her creative freedom.

Great, now she’ll probably go out and get herself some earrings.


Ask for a northstar. Or as a joke a yoyojoker luminmous for under 35$( jk its like 180).
But for real a northstar is really a great choice. If you like lighter then go for the protostar.

JK,PGM (Plastic GrindMachine.), or Chaser.