What does everyone think of the Chen Long. I’m debating on buying it for a competition bi metal but I can’t seem to find any reviews or anything on it. is there a better budget Bimetal yoyo for like 50-60 bucks?
I haven’t played it, but the MYY Z-01 Focus often gets brought up in budget bimetal discussions. Check out Alexander’s review of it:
Duncan Haymaker OG, YYF KO.
Just got an Orbital GTX and it’s easily the most competition style Duncan I now own. Used Orbital would be good.
Any yoyo from that series will be pretty dang good really.
The Z01 focus feels a little rounded to be a true comp yoyo. But it is a good yoyo.
For a true cheap comp style yoyo maybe have a look at the Yozean Divemaster. Very comp oriented and very affordable as well.
The suggested Orbital 2 GTX is also very very nice. And if you can find one within your budget that would be a great choice.
True, and I hesitated a bit to mention it here. But if Gentry can take US Nats with a Replay Pro, I guess “competition shape” is subjective.
I like the look of the dive master is the Legendary one better playing than the regular one? it only like 10 bucks more so idk, if it plays better then it is probably worth springing for it. thankyou!
I’ve not compared them directly. I previously owned the legendary and now have the regular one. They are both pretty good. Little vibe but good performance.
Think the legendary feels a little nicer in hand due to the thicker rims.