Chemical Throws! A New Start-Up Comapany!

My Lunarwind?
Like this

42.5 width

It didnt work.

What didnā€™t work?

didnt work

What Didnā€™t work? :o

Sorry it does now.

Iā€™m So So confused on what happened xD
What didnā€™t work?

Iā€™m confused too XD

Omg what donā€™t you understand!? IT DIDNā€™T WORK!!!

Lol jk

Still wondering what this yoyo looks like. Would like to see a CAD.

Thereā€™s a CAD a page or two ago, which apparently you designed/helped design.

I think he meant wilsonā€™s pictureā€¦ ::slight_smile:

Lol thatā€™s not it Iā€™m almost positive.

Im pretty sure it is :wink:

Wanna bet? :slight_smile:

BRING IT! Iā€™ll bet an Unleashed!

Ok deal! You already lost though. Sorry.

Nahhh I dont think soā€¦ Iā€™ll take your loop 900 when I win :smiley:

Lol he dosnt even have the CAD in his possesion so I donā€™t know how heā€™d use it :smiley:

Will it ship in 6 months? Lol