If André or dryoyo are not alright with this, I will cancel it. Let me know if you’re ok with this.
The prize will be:
One prototype glow in the dark Element String!!!
And one regular Element String!
The rules:
-Please, don’t PM me during the chat night. If you do, I won’t respond.
-If you come after the chat has started, you can still join in, but I won’t restart it.
-Let’s keep this classic, the time will be like the old ones. 8:00pm-9:00pm Eastern Standard Time, or 5:00pm-6:00pm Western Standart time, this Thursday, that’s Thursday, August 27th.
-There will be a first round, 10 questions in that round. The two people with the top points will move on to the final, which will have 5 questions.
-You will have one minute for answering each question, If no one gets it correct, I will symply apply another question.
-No international shipping, Sorry!!!
That’s pretty much all, if you have questions, please post in the thread.
I agree. Prizes make it chaotic. I also understand its a ploy to get people into the chat. Thats not a bad thing but time after time people argue over who really won and who was favored. I think just going into the chat would be a ton of fun. I was on for the first time yesterday and had a lot of fun. I don’t need prizes for that.
Now I’m not saying that you had a bad idea. I’m just saying that the rest of the people will have a problem conducting themselves properly.
No prizes…I really don’t think it would be so fun, because people might not try as hard. May be a good idea not to have prizes though, I’ll try prizes, and just hope that works.
i’ll be there. is the prize a single string? or a pack of strings. cause if its a single string then shipping will probubly cost more than the actual thing