Charleston, SC clubs

Hey out there :wave: Any throwers in Charleston, S.C.? Any clubs that meet regularly?


We are in Summerville and would love to find a local club to learn and progress at.


I end up in sc about once every 3-4 months for a few weeks. If there’s a club within 2 hours of Myrtle beach I would happily stop by some time I’m down there. Haven’t really heard of any club in the area down there but if yall decide to start one I run the DC area club and am happy to give advice.


Im in Upstate SC. We do meets almost weekly up here. Me and one other guy lol. Shoutout J-Holla!!

hooray! welcome to the forums! i haven’t run into anyone else from the lowcountry. i was coming to the conclusion id have to do it myself. since the heat is starting to break i thought about picking a sat or sun and going downtown to marion square to see if i could drum up any interest if thats anything you’d be interested in.

im in florence regularly but i dont often make it to the upstate, but I’ll give a shout if the occasion arises! glad to know other ppl in this state own a yoyo :hugs:


Right? :joy:
Yea, holler at me anytime man.

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Awesome I will have to have my parents drive me but we typically are free on weekends. I’m prepping for my first competition in December at Florida States so it would be nice to get some feedback and help with my routine

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nice! I’ll keep you posted but I’m relatively new so if you’re competing you’ll probably be the one giving me tips lol

I live in Charleston, SC and am pretty bad, skill-wise; I would love to have a group/club to meet up with!

I work F&B so weekends can be hard unless they’re earlier and then we’d have to compete with the farmers market in Marion Square…Hampton Park may be better?

im certainly open to other locations. the main reason i picked marion was for the foot traffic and visibility, just in case someone walked up and said hey i throw too. what about brittlebank? it’s still fairly visible plus its on the water so scenery would be a bonus. also they just built that super dope park in park circle. I’ve brought my daughter there a couple of times and it’s really nice, but I’m not wedded to any one location personally. also, i can only speak for myself but I’m totally flexible on the time.

@GraysonYoYo do you have specific preferences on location and time?

@firestormfirst what time works best for you?

I am loving that this sort of thing is happening more and more in different places around the country. Part of the reason that I feel like there was a “boom” way back when was because people were throwing together. Hope you guys can draw in a crowd!! :smiley:


I’m good with Park Circle - I haven’t been to Brittlebank yet. Daytime would work best for me probably after 12

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Monday afternoons are usually my only truly free time…

ah, unfortunately between work and a young kid weekdays just arent doable during the school year for me

working on starting something here in town first of the year


That would be awesome. Id do my best to be there and bring another thrower with me.


so after talking a bit with @Kaylinity and getting some awesome tips, there’s one thing i wanna pivot on out of the gate. i think we’ll get a lot more interest if we make it a state club and move meeting locations around. i think the state is small enough to pull that off. i think if we do Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville as the main hubs and rotate itll be a lot easier to gain interest for those that can’t drive to Charleston monthly.

also I’m gonna go ahead and fire up a fb page to start getting noticed as i work on the other details so ill post social info once i get it all set up.

lemme know what yall think


Im in Hartwell, following thread…

Hartwell is only about 45 mins from me. Im just on the other side of Anderson, SC.

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Definitely need an Upstate Yoyo club! I’ll help any way i can but i have a wife and 2 kids so would probably only be available evenings and weekends, a couple times a month.