Charles Haycock signature

According to the CLYW site, Chuck is getting a signature return top this year. Who else is excited as me? Any hopes or speculations?


If itā€™s anywhere near as smooth as Chuck, itā€™s gonna be good. :smiley:

I wonder what his current preferences are. Once upon a time he played a bunch of Avalanche. But peopleā€™s tastes changeā€¦ I wouldnā€™t even know if itā€™s going to be on the lighter and nimbler side, or the heavy and easily-controlled side.

Here are my spec estimates
Love Charles canā€™t wait

Like in the Cabin tuts
Hes now using Puffins.

and on Stage a while back he used Summits and BVM2s

See? Thereā€™s no way of knowing! Thatā€™s 3 different kinds of yoyos!

Summits and BvM2s were clearly to help promote the new releases-- that doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t like them, just that one canā€™t tell if those are actually in his preferences zone or not.

Puffinsā€¦ seems like more of a ā€œchoiceā€ for a tutorial video. So maybe on the floatier side. :wink:

What about the name? Iā€™m guessing ā€œThe Woodchuckā€.



Itā€™s awesome that we both came up with this name independent of each other.

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Itā€™s a sign. Now Chris is obligated to make this the real name.

I alsoheard ernest knah will be getting a sig yoyo! he refused to give me any details on it though, onyl that he is getting a sig yoyo.

wonder when there next non sig will be O_o

Iā€™d so buy a Charles haycock signature throw. Heā€™s one of my all time favorite players.

A new CLYW is always good news to me.

i think i should be named the charles

Okay, The Charles.:smile:

All the team members did that when they were brand new.


I might have to get this. >.<"

And I am in favor of the ā€˜The Charlesā€™ X]