I have a RCS turduccen with a moon rock finish. Its some kind of cerecoat and its cutting the string.
Ive seen Brandon Vu’s video about using jeans to smooth it out and stop the finish from cutting the string but is there a better way to stop it or smooth it out?
I was thinking about masking the catch zone off and sanding it with a fine grit. Would that bork the throw?
“Moon rock finish” is microarc oxidation, this is completely unrelated to cerakote.
String cutting is a known issue a lot of people have had with moon rock finish. Rubbing denim on the response bump to smooth it out will fix the issue.
You can sand and polish the yoyo without hurting it, but it’ll be a lot more work. Look into “polishing yoyos.” And if you remove the finish to polish it, you’re exposing raw aluminum which will oxidize over time. It’s not an issue really, but something to be aware of.
Moon rock is MAO finish on aluminum, at least presumably, because manufacturers aren’t super transparent about specifics. Regardless, everything else in my previous post holds true.
I owned a Trident yoyo with the same coating. What I ended up doing was chuck the halves onto the lathe and fine-sanding the outer response area using the dipping water method
Check out the many related threads on this. The advice looks similar from what I skimmed, but you might could glean something.
I have to say, I’m a little surprised companies don’t at least smooth out the response area themselves. It would be a little extra time a labor, but I don’t imagine it would be too bad at a larger scale. I think people would be more willing to pay the premium price for that finish if they knew it wasn’t going to cause issues out of the box.
You can also just use a drill, as long as you have a spare axle you don’t care about.