Moon rock peregrine i got was slowly cutting through the string, and I tried using a belt to polish the response area a bit. It just left grey marks. What else could I try to smooth out the response area?
I would just check up on the string after so much play and not stress it. The ultra matte style does that sometimes.
Welcome to the moon rock world, I had the same issue and other people too, i tried moon rock once and never again, also the finishing is absolutely delicate, is not just made for play in my opinion.
If you want try to rub the bearing sit part on some jeans (remove the bearing and the axle before) but it will slightly colour the yoyo with the jeans colour, if the yoyo is new i would say to send it back if you can and change colourway, my moon rock pheasant from Yyfriends was impossible to play
Back of a leather belt, jeans, and the underside of a metal spoon are the most common recommendations for smoothing out rougher finishes and dings.
Shame that there’s been issues with moon rock. The finish looks great.