Centerpiece Throws Official

I’m not sure I understand the physics of what happened there. Looked like it stopped and then reversed and gained speed. It was awesome.

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I don’t remember the exact mechanics but this effect has to do with the shutter speed of the camera. It happens with helicopters and stuff like that sometimes when you film them the rotors look like they’re moving slowly or backwards, its the same effect.


It’s an optical illusion your eyes play on you when the yoyo reaches a specific speed.


How is going your project @Mediumwell ? Can’t wait to see all the colourways how they look in video!

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We have been experiencing some hiccups with the machine shop but we think things should be resolved soon :slightly_smiling_face:


Good luck with everything I can’t wait to have a look to the final and some videos!

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Its a bit off topic for this thread but I feel its worth it.


We have a production ready model! Let’s get this show on the road! (v3 pictured on the right)


Looks good! :fire:

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This looks so good! Love that spiralling colorway!

Really hoping for a good price point on these!

We will have an update soon!



Are you a cup or a catch zone kinda collector??

David (@hesperaux) and my project is in the final stretch. Production run has been ordered from the machine shop, we have these protos to test/mess with/tease, but soon we will be full steam ahead!

Check us out on Facebook at Log into Facebook | Facebook :slightly_smiling_face:


Are those cool? The only answer is yes!
If the price is friendly i will take one for sure, very cool!

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holy moly those look incredible. I don’t have facebook so I can’t view the link, but will there be a website to buy these from or something similar? I really want one. Love the spirals!

We don’t have an e-commerce site built. Not sure what route we will take to getting these out to the public yet…

holy moly, that’s some really impressive ano :heart_eyes:

Awesome. Can we see a video of it spinning? :grin:

the 1st model profile reminds me of the old fragment by yyr

Came out really well! Will be following to find out how and when to purchase

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