Hello and happy Monday, YoYoExpert!
I wanted to share something with you all that I am truly excited about - a side project, per se, that I’ve been working on with my good friend, David Bieber (@hesperaux). This is our first prototype throw, the ‘Portrait’ by Centerpiece Throws.
A little information about us:
Our goal is to set out to create unique and artistically expressive yoyos with a primary focus on displaying the artwork as best as possible (in the cup!). We understand there is a boom happening right now with the emergence of so many new and amazing yoyo brands, so we believe it is important to distinguish that we are not looking to flood the market with these throws. While we would love to see these designs in as many hands/collections as possible, we are aiming to keep the manufacturing to a minimum with a primary focus on finding and displaying the best anodizing artwork we can so as not to flood the market any further than it already is.
We are not trying to be “the next big thing”, so don’t expect any sort of hyped up drops or fancy websites or anything. When we do have throws ready to share with you all, you can plan to hear about it via the YoYoExpert Forums, the Facebook YoYo BST & Talk group, or you can follow our progress on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/centerpiecethrows!
We are both really happy with how this first prototype came out, though there will likely be some tweaks to the design between this and the final version. Regardless, we are still super excited with the results so far and we are looking forward to continuing our yoyo manufacturing exploration! Included below are some photos of the first prototype for our yoyo, the Centerpiece Throws - ‘Portrait’. We’ve also included some renders for future colorways we plan to release! At the moment, we have a heavy emphasis on spirals - we love how hypnotizing these things can be! Specs below!
That is all! We’re looking forward to sharing more with you all as we progress!
Name: Portrait Prototype v1
Material: 6061
Total Weight: 66.4g
Diameter: 56.37mm
Width: 45.5mm
Gap Width: 4.55mm
Axle: M4*12mm
Bearing: Size C
Pads: 19mm standard OR flowable silicone - you can replace the silicone with a standard pad if you’d like.
Here is a spin vid for the current prototype
Skip to 27 seconds in for the good stuff Hopefully the quality is OK!