Can you yoyo in a confined space?

OMG this is great :slight_smile:


I don’t recall what it is. But I will say that NASA had to get two of them. Ones in there, the other at NASA. They have to have all the same exact materials on hand here on earth as they send up there. That way if something comes up and they need to " put a square peg on a round hole" they have all the same stuff as the astronauts do as resources.


Like they had to did with Apollo 13. That was a tiny capsule. I guess it’s still the same with bigger crafts. A golf club and balls were snuck onto Apollo 14 so I guess people can break rules.

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No doubt. Rules are meant to be tested(not always though😉).

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Can we yoyo in a confined space? I think that’s what quarantine is! :rofl:


See the OP. Back seat of a car…


@ChrisFrancz Thanks, I did read his initial post, as I generally do but…guess my humor was lost on you. Oh well at least I tried! :wink: My wackiness often leaves people scratching their heads. :smirk:

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I’m sorry. I got it but it seemed like maybe you missed the OP.

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