can you put a counterweight on any yoyo

i have a raider and i am planning on getting a journey

yes you can put a counterweight on any yoyo

yep, a counterweight can go on any yoyo.



Yes, but for best results… Get one meant for it, or make sure weights are balanced.

yeah but u might not want to.

Why not exacly?

yes why not. does the yoyo have to be a wing shaped because i only have a raider. is there any other cheap but good yoyo that is better than the journey.

I’m sure you can free hand with a raider.

have you read about the yyf die nasty? i got on and it works great for 5a, and its only about three bucks more, (i don’t know about Canadian money though) ;D

is the die nasty cheap and good. is it wing shape or standard shape.

by cheap do you mean inexpensive or poorly built? because its very well built an it in costs $16.99 which for a yyf is really good. Here’s the link to it if you want to read up on it,
YoYoFactory – YoYoExpert

and its a wing shape, which makes it a lot easier to do string tricks.

hope it helps! :slight_smile:

thanx you should go in the chat i go there a you have the dynasty

yep, i have a die nasty and it plays great. it comes with a center track bearing also, don’t, know if you noticed that. and i will have to catch you in the chat tomorrow, gotta go study for a big Spanish final. :cry:

Keep Throwing.

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thanks i might get it or maybe the Lyn fury. but i wont get them on this sight i go to it has cheaper shipping for me. i live in Canada, Vancouver, B.C. . if any one knows any other site that has it for chaper than 6.50 please send me a private message, post on this topic, or email me at

I also reccomend the FreeHandZero by duncan… It’s butterfly shaped, repsonsive, and COMES WITH three, count em, three counter weights… AND after you get good you can get it recessed and siliconed for advanced play… Its around the 17 dollar mark I think
