Can I bring a yyf multitool on a plane?

I was wondering if I can bring my multitool on a plane? Im from Canada and going within Canada.


I just traveled to hawaii, none of my yoyo stuff had any issues/



You should probably check with your airline/Canadian TSA bud. If your tool has any sharp edges or pointy bits or can be potentially used to dismantle any part of the airplane security, you run the risk of losing it at security. At least, here in the states you would. Can’t say what Canadian security is like but the TSA here in the states is pretty inconsistent. You could bring something on board going out and have it removed from your bag on the way back. Safest bet is to put it in your checked bag, not in your carry- on.

Enjoy the throw


I have travelled with yoyo multi-tools without any issues. Sometimes I bring them with me in my carry-on or backpack. If you are unsure, just toss it in your check-in luggage.

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I travel with all kinds of tools in my carryon. My entire audio commissioning kit (audio interface, microphones, adapters, small cables, small hand tools, and a bunch of other junk) never gets checked and I’ve never had an issue going anywhere (even international)

I did have a toothpick taken from a key-ring once…

But another time I flew from Florida to Colorado with an entire Alligator head in my carry-on and they didn’t blink an eye, however that time they did take an orange that I literally (while in-line waiting for TSA) had peeled and stuffed into a water bottle.

So it’s a bit of a hit and miss sometimes with what they will let you take. I fly alot, and have only had a few items siezed, but I anticipate them taking pointy or liquid stuff as well. :rofl::+1:


I tried taking a knot removing tool on a plane and almost got shot!

The Security Officer said, ‘What the heck ya think you’re doing’?

I told him I use the instrument to remove knots in yo-yo string.

He said, ‘So, you expect me to believe you use a full size Machete to remove knots in string’?

I told him I just use the pointy tip. What’s the big deal?


Not just in the States.

Once while traveling abroad, I forgot I had two bullet keychains (.22LR and 9mm) attached to my keys. I flew out of Detroit, to Chicago, to Montreal, to Amsterdam, to Spain, to Switzerland, and then to Sweden. It was only when I was LEAVING Sweden (northern Sweden, I think the airport there could fit maybe 30 people) that I had security stop me and ask me if I “had any ammunition” in my bag. They confiscated my harmless keychains.

Interestingly, only when I get back to DTW have I ever needed to take my shoes off for the scanner; I’ve never had to take my shoes off in any other country.


To be on the safe side, you could toss it in your checked luggage if you’re worried, but I’ve carried small tools like that in my carry-on without problems.

If you’re heading out on this trip with some extra comfort in mind, checking out business class flights could make the travel part a lot more enjoyable. Keeps the stress low so you can focus on the fun stuff.

So the original post was created by a member that joined the Forum in July 18th, 2022.

As mentioned he posted his multi tool question the same day… July 18th, 2022

The last day he was seen was in July 2022.

Seems his plane must have flown over the Devils Triangle?

Fact is stranger than friction.