Calling on Edge Owners! Comparison of (Bimetal) Edge Yoyos

There have been a few inquiries here and there of people wanting comparisons of the Edge line of throws, but I wanted to start a dedicated thread to the topic. I feel it’s an iconic enough lienup to do that with, and it could be helpful to those like myself who are interesting in buying one. Perhaps now that the series is complete, it is the best time to thoroughly attempt this.

Since I’ve only played the 2022, I can’t contribute a lot here. That said, I can perhaps help get the conversation started for those who have experience with multiple models.

For the sake of this topic, I want to focus on the bimetal Edges. Adding the monometals, plastics, hybrid, and organic into the mix would be comparing apples to oranges, or at the very least complicating things (I.e. not helpful). I’m talking:

Edge (2016 OG)

Edge 1.5
Edge Beyond (1st release w/ Ti axle & NSK | Champion's Edition)

This is for the Champion’s Edition/standard version. The Ti axle saves ~1g of weight.

Edge Infinity

Edge 2022 (3.0)

7075 Al per Ben McPhee

Edge 4.0

If there’s interest, we can do monometals or plastics in another thread.

As far as comparison, here are some categories to think about. Of course, feel free to add anything you deem helpful or ask specific questions you want answered.

  1. Spin time
  2. Stability
  3. Suitability (usefulness for speed, tech, horizontals, etc)
  4. Agility (ability to easily/quickly change direction; nimbleness)
  5. Rim weight
  6. Comfort (in hand, fatigue during play, etc)
  7. Floatiness

Compare the Edges amongst themselves: how do they stand out from each other; how are they similar? What are some non-Edge throws similar to each iteration? Feel free to also note any trends you’ve noticed in the evolution of Edges (width, colorways, packaging, quality [bearings, anno, durability, vibe], etc).

For reference
Lucas Decker is the only person to my knowledge who’s directly compared four of the models (ignore the flawed grading system):

One of the only “reviews” on the 4.0:

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I personally would like to hear more about how the 4.0 compares to the 2022. I’m most curious how much their rim weight differs.

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Giving one last bump.

Just to be clear: I’m looking for whatever info you’re willing to contribute on any Edge. Don’t feel like you have to have played every model or obligated to analyze every detail.

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The Edges are so different that I feel like comparing them all doesn’t make sense personally. The 3.0 and 4.0 share the same general profile and rim fitment and general specs and are trying to accomplish the same goal, but past the OG and 1.5 the edges are just doing very different things.

Very different rim structures, altered profile, altered trickset. Different yoyos aiming to do different things.

Like you could get a full breakdown and analysis of each design and compare the design evolution along with Evan’s routines and trickset, but that’s just a lot of effort to verbalize all of that for a yoyo and player I don’t care for.


I have all edge:
delrin edge best
i dont judge yoyos mostly to your criteria, so I cant help for that sorry. I don’t much pay attention about spin time rimweight or dimensions when I play with the yoyo. if it feel good then it is fun for playing with for me!

delrin edge most fun ever
i like 4.0 and beyond sometimes


I get that to an extent. I think if you fork the Beyond & Infinity into its own branch, the progression from Edge 1-4 doesn’t seem too difficult to compare. The changes are much smaller (on paper, at least) from model to model then: add rim weight & width. The shape is generally similar, and the placement of the SS rings is similar. These are more akin to each other than any other throws I can think of.

Or you can subset them into three pairs: 1/1.5, Beyond/Infinity, and 3/4. The pattern seems similar (again, on paper): the first is a lighter, faster model; the second is a heavier, more powerful version of the previous.

Having only played the 2022, I’m not sure if that’s accurate beyond paper, though. I imagine it’s more nuanced, which is why I made this thread.

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I think the nuance is more just in the feel of how they play. The different rim structures of the Infinity and Beyond I think make them both feel very distinctly like their own things. Their rims aren’t solid so they’re spreading the mass of the rims out in pretty weird and different ways.

Personally if I was gonna get an Edge I think just the straight OG seems the nicest for what I want out of a yoyo. Lighter weight with a smaller steel rim, higher wall angle and flat surface for more string contact. Also just seems like the most comfortable one to hold to me.


I’ll agree with mable. OG is the best most fun and i grab it regularly. Beyond and infinity are killer comp yoyos of another level that i enjoy. I got tired of keeping up so i don’t have a 3.0 or a 4.