Cake’s String Reviews

yeah its mega different, personally im a little mad it feels like a completely different formula than ot fat. if it was just a thinner ot fat, it would be one of my favorites. alas, that is not the case

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@GTDropKnot @Agentflit it’s time

MarkMont Copernicus || A- (90/100)

Given my experience with trilobal poly strings like fox tails and takeshi string, I expected something pretty low for this string, However, picking up this string felt VERY good. The quality of it is immedietly evident with no need for washing it beforehand or breaking it in for hours and hours, and the tight/weird binds on both those trilobal strings was not present at all now. the website describes the string as bouncy? but i can kind of see it. It’s not overly bouncy like some nylon, but there’s a slight bit of air time added thats, in my opinion, barely noticeable.
Slacks were pretty speedy in the air, but always were open as long as you remembered to fix tension every now and then, which is very manageable! Whips were perfect, not too fast where simple tricks can’t get done and not too slow where it’s hinders harder ones. Honorary 6 :clinking_glasses:. After the 30 minutes, I decided to take it out into 84F and 55% humidity weather since it’s advertised as weather resistant, and it isn’t half bad! Your hands still feel sticky and hot, but it doesn’t stick to your hand and snag as easily as bulk poly (alphaline and ot are the ones in my mind rn). By the end, it looked slightly bad but kept every performance aspect from the beginning. My only concern is that slacks are naturally fast but don’t keep shape as well. Having a fast-moving slack with decent shape-holding is fine, good, etc. but it’s not ideal, which this string could have been.
Regardless of all of that, this string is GOOD. If you don’t mind a few eventual frays and the trilobal feeling, definetly try this out. Stats below!

Durability 30 min (5)
Durability 1 hr (5) nice
Personal Thickness Feel (4)
Whip Feel Break-In (6) WH
Whip Feel 1 hr (5)
Slack Feel Break-In (5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (4)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (3.5)
Softness during break-in (3.5)
Overall consistency over 1 hour (4)
Total: 45 x 2 = 90, 90 = A- graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

feels good to have another A grade string again. it’s still possible!


there are probably still amazing strings to try but we also seem to love to see the bad more than the good. This just reminds me i need to get some markmont string at some point


oh youre 100% right, its just that my grading criteria makes the average amazing string average at around 82-87 so its nice seeing a string work within the confines of the scale


no worries!
looking forward for your verdicts :smiling_face:

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may i suggest the project 44 poly nylon blend bulk strings? cant find much about them

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I’m pretty sure I sent some to cake a long while back and they are in the backlog. Lots of similar string in that bundle so I imagine it’s a big task that feels like a challenge to get through.


i don’t have any on me atm, unless that coar-soft-mid tex customization string is a nylon blend, apolocheese

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I can’t for the life of me remember but there where two thicker dark yellow string that if I sent would be the rayan blend. But that’s so long ago I honestly forget everything

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Would love to see what you think of takeshi string

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yeah rayon blend is there but that’s not poly nylon is it? i honestly have no idea what rayon is

ur gonna love what’s on saturday :stuck_out_tongue:


You know what don’t listen to me I know nothing or at the least forgot everything lol

@ashao0601 have fun!
side note, this was donated by an anonymous donor, thank u so much again!!! :heart_hands:

Takeshi String V3 || C+ (79/100)

This string feels way too good for me. Durability was amazing for white poly string, mostly holding its stretch for the whole time while fraying minimally. It feels like buffed up Kitty Whip. Slacks were perfect and held shape amazingly, and the quickness from the material, wind or whatever it was also helped with whips tremendously, and any laceration trick felt within my reach. Performance-wise, this is one of the best strings i’ve ever used with minimal contest, maybe even none.


The comfort factor is terrible. Horrible. It feels like sandpaper for the whole hour and i have a hunch it’s not going away any time soon. The tension holding is gross, builds up fast, and makes tricks harder to land more often than most strings. Binds are especially bad, where the yoyo either snags and comes back to the hand with loose string or doesn’t bind at all. This was also an issue with fox tails, so i wonder if it’s because of the wind, material (i don’t know what kind of poly this is made of), or maybe the roughness of it. Overall, this is a performance MONSTER, and if you can build a resistance to how much this string wants your hands (and sanity) to die, power to you. I just don’t want to have to bear a string to use it. This isn’t for me. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (5)
Durability 1 hr (4)
Personal Thickness Feel (3) bit too dense
Whip Feel Break-In (4.5)
Whip Feel 1 hr (5)
Slack Feel Break-In (6) WHAT
Slack Feel 1 hr (5)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (2)
Softness during break-in (1.5)
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3.5)
Total: 39.5 x 2 = 79, 79 = C+ graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)


Rayon is cool! It’s basically recycled cellulose, usually bamboo iirc, that is made into a fiber similar to silk. Some ppl call it artificial silk. Never tried it for string but I have clothes with part rayon I like a lot lol


My Inks are a Rayon Poly blend. @theendofcake, I’m gonna shoot you a DM to get some over to you.


review brought to you by @Ironical_Monocle1 , thank u :people_hugging:

Zipline/G2 Prestige || C (74/100)

What an interesting string. First off, it was bouncy, REALLY soft and REALLY thick. It was almost too soft I couldn’t feel the string texture because it was just so plushy and smooth, and binds/play was a bit snaggy. I’m saying “a bit” because I fully expected it to constantly snag from the thickness, but the slickness of the nylon blend helps alleviate that somewhat.

Whips had a great speed, not overloaded but had enough assistance to help learn advanced hooks and such. Slacks were my least favorite part besides the thickness; they were oddly fast but didn’t keep shape all too well. Of course tricks are still possible, but it felt like I was fighting against the string like i was (very badly) trying to tame a wild horse.

Throughout the time, the durability was wonderful, with a few aging frays showing up while maintaining that original bouncy feel. Everything was pretty consistent, but it was that consistently decent slack with a unique feel that I’m not sure I like. It’s a very well made string, but it fits a playstyle that I’m yet to discover. Maybe try it for responsive play? I have no idea. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4.5)
Durability 1 hr (5)
Personal Thickness Feel (3.5)
Whip Feel Break-In (4.5)
Whip Feel 1 hr (4)
Slack Feel Break-In (2)
Slack Feel 1 hr (2.5)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (3.5)
Softness during break-in (4) too plush
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3.5)
Total: 37 x 2 = 74, graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)


STRING SATURDAY BB! Thanks again for your work.


I’m sad prestige ranked so low cause I love it so but i get why it did


honestly same, feels like a crime to rank zipline so low. apologies for the upset but i am subject to the system :pensive:


Ahhhh, it’s funny to see Prestige ranked so low since it’s my favorite from Zipline! I tend to throw on the more relaxed side. I usually only throw about maybe 50%-70% of the capacity that I’m capable of, so the thickness is perfect for stronger binds at lower rpms. And I love the slack/whip performance of it. I feel like it’s easy to make it do exactly what I want, the way I want it to, without undershooting or overshooting. It feels very controlled to me, and I think part of that control is maybe that consistency that you mentioned.

I love to see the objectivity of the numbers in your scale, and applying it to a string that I know so well really puts stuff in perspective!