Cake’s String Reviews

im so sleepy. that’s it! that’s the intro!

iYoYo SLACKiES || C (73/100)

Great performance, puke-worthy comfort. Binds were stupid. They were snagging to the point where once every few binds I would see the loose string wiggling in the air as the yoyo came back to me, and I could never get it to happen on purpose, kind of like trying to catch a smart kid misbehaving.
Also, the name wasn’t lying, this is good slacking string (in my opinion). It’s light enough to control and thick enough to know where it’ll land, but the BINDING is HORRIBLE. It’s not unplayable, but it got really annoying. Durability great for poly, whip fine, tension fine, consistency fine? but the BINDING EUGH I hate it. Bad feel and bad bind makes for a bad string, no matter if it’s great performing. If it’s your taste, go for it. It’s a bit like anchovies on pizza in that way, but the anchovies are still moving and it smells horrible. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4.5) yeah!
Durability 1 hr (4) worse look same stretch (minimal)
Personal Thickness Feel (2) this was weird. feels thin but binds thick. i hate it, but not unplayable
Whip Feel Break-In (4) hmmmm
Whip Feel 1 hr (3)
Slack Feel Break-In (5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (4.5) NICE
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall(4) great
Softness during break-in (2) yuck
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3.5) hmm idk where to put this
Total: 36.5 x 2 = 73, 73 = C graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

string saturday! im sticking with my alphaline on the majority of my throws but im looking for a bit thinner alternative for the ones that snap at me when i bind, recommendations appreciated. byebye !