Cake’s String Reviews

hello yes

i have no objective or scientific way to measure this but in my experience harsher dyes do affect how a string plays almost without exception. I find that more pigmented dyes like pink and orange do make for coarser strings, or strings that wear out faster and in a worse fashion.

neon green comes next, then yellow, and at last, white, if we are ordering in harshest to lightest dye, and the properties the dye imprints on the string.


i have an alphaline sample pack coming in, i’ll allocate one string of each color to a specific softness and durability test so i can draw a conclusion about alphaline and inductively reason about the same for every other string


Neat I appreciate the answers there. I often order in the harshest colors bright blues, oranges and pinks and reds so that makes sense why I wouldn’t notice. To me they all play similar but I have noticed pinks and oranges maybe not die but definitely look worn quick. Idk I guess I’ll have to take notice more.


it’s my yye anniversary today! also, i signed up for ante so ill probably be on a grind for the next week or two, so expect a lack of reviews after this one until mid november.

This was an absolute pain to review, but I am bound to my post like a gatekeeper to their gate. Enjoy.

YoYoFactory Knot Bad String || F (54/100)
Knot Bad String

Ok, so it felt Very Light, similar to the watieaboo string in terms of the light feel, but not as loosely tied, which felt a bit better and solid. it did feel thicker though, which I did take a liking to. it still felt thin, but I could get used to it. however, it felt SO incredibly random, and that’s the part i absolutely hated. sometimes slacks felt perfect and sometimes it was me using a noodle. whips had a bit more substance, but not much. i even had to change out the string for my spare singe the tension holding on the other one wasn’t even borderline unplayable, it was JUST unplayable. the only good parts are the thickness and softness MAYBE, but that was such a pain to use. i don’t recommend buying some, but if you have some that came with your yoyo, use it while waiting on your next string pack. sorry for the negative review, stats below.

Durability 30 min (2.5) eh
Durability 1 hr (3)
Personal Thickness Feel (3.5) grew on me
Whip Feel Break-In (2) nope
Whip Feel 1 hr (3)
Slack Feel Break-In (3.5) weirdly light, could get used to it
Slack Feel 1 hr (3.5) did not get used to it
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (2) torturous
Softness during break-in (3) small effort
Overall consistency over 1 hour (1) i am using a slot machine not a string
Total: 27 x 2 = 54, 54 = F graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

let me know your experiences with this, i honestly think I got a bad batch but if you all shared this then maybe not, happy thursday :tada:


Yeah I don’t like that string much. Happy cake day cake. Good luck with ante.

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So you’re saying… knot bad string failed to live up to its name? That “knot bad string” would be more accurate?


I think that it would be nice if we had a company’s input on this subject.
After reading this post I might have to switch to neon yellow due to durability (and budget).

I like most of the string colours available except blue. Love the pink and orange stuff. Neon green is cool too. Time to try yellow now. I think white is boring. Gonna skip that one.


we’re back :tada::tada::tada::tada: ante routine done, wasn’t my best work but i’m not a little kid with hours of free time anymore :///
anyways, back on schedule! season 2! next review will be posted soon, thanks for sticking around. to answer a few questions i got:

Will I do video reviews?

  • nope! seems like too much work for too little benefits at the moment, written reviews here are doing just fine!

Are you good enough to be reviewing string?

  • I’m definitely good enough to make an informed opinion, but whether it’s an opinion that’s up to your personal threshold is the important thing! seeing my reviews as entertainment, archival notes, or actual informative content (see kitty string fat review) i’m happy that anyone is getting use out of me talking about my favorite hobby :3

Can you review ______?

  • Depending on if i have the string or not, i can definitely prioritize it. some strings i was asked to review i just don’t have, so id like to make it through what i do have from VERY generous readers (thanks again :slight_smile:) before i go buying things.

that’s it! sorry for the super late post, just wanna make sure i don’t forget ab this :3 have a good one yall


Back at it! Season two! and what a string.

Zipline Executive Class LITE || A (94/100)

The string felt like silk, running your fingers through the hair of your soulmate, or basking in the fountain of youth. Honorary 6 for soft. It had a beautiful bind, beautiful slack, great whip. I put it on my borealis 2 and while it started to snag here and there, I did not care since this string was so beautiful. It was thicker than I expected (maybe a bit too thick for my taste), but still felt fine. It aged very gracefully and very slow. I’m still able to tell that it’s not as soft or as stretchy as when i began, but it’s so miniscule it doesn’t matter at all, so it still gets a 5. Whips still have some level of controllability after the hour. Slacks are great, but maybe a bit fast for some people. I’m down for the speed, some aren’t, it’s whatever. I don’t even know what it’s made of, and I don’t care. (Update: it’s nylon with a poly base ?? i don’t know what that means, but it acts like the name I guess)
Final verdict, this is a poly performancey string in a nylon feel, which is honestly my dream. It still is a dream, but this is damn close to reaching it. Stats below!

Durability 30 min (5) NO HIT ???
Durability 1 hr (4.5) JUST enough bounce gone where i can realize it
Personal Thickness Feel (4.5) felt amazing, started to snag on snow tires
Whip Feel Break-In (5) YEAH
Whip Feel 1 hr (4) nylonness is showing
Slack Feel Break-In (5) light, fast, controllable
Slack Feel 1 hr (4.5) a slight bit different, more of the nylon fastness coming out
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall(4.5) REALLY good
Softness during break-in (6) wawoowow
Overall consistency over 1 hour (4) good!!
Total: 47 x 2 = 94, 94 = A graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

String gud. Happy Monday. Everyone read Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. byebye!


Nylon with poly base means it’s mostly nylon with a few poly strands. Should be why it feels so smooth slick and silky


inch resting ,

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Best string reviews in the game! Most comprehensive and in depth breakdowns I have ever come across.
Can’t wait for next Saturday!

What I’m reading here is you like nylon blend string. :slight_smile: also same


relatively, there’s different strings for different purposes. i wouldn’t go using formula 1 for my ante routine but i guess since competition viability isn’t my #1 priority (as seen by how i rank stuff), exec lite kinda works w the rubric! also, its very good for a mostly nylon string and it lasts forever

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im so sleepy. that’s it! that’s the intro!

iYoYo SLACKiES || C (73/100)

Great performance, puke-worthy comfort. Binds were stupid. They were snagging to the point where once every few binds I would see the loose string wiggling in the air as the yoyo came back to me, and I could never get it to happen on purpose, kind of like trying to catch a smart kid misbehaving.
Also, the name wasn’t lying, this is good slacking string (in my opinion). It’s light enough to control and thick enough to know where it’ll land, but the BINDING is HORRIBLE. It’s not unplayable, but it got really annoying. Durability great for poly, whip fine, tension fine, consistency fine? but the BINDING EUGH I hate it. Bad feel and bad bind makes for a bad string, no matter if it’s great performing. If it’s your taste, go for it. It’s a bit like anchovies on pizza in that way, but the anchovies are still moving and it smells horrible. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4.5) yeah!
Durability 1 hr (4) worse look same stretch (minimal)
Personal Thickness Feel (2) this was weird. feels thin but binds thick. i hate it, but not unplayable
Whip Feel Break-In (4) hmmmm
Whip Feel 1 hr (3)
Slack Feel Break-In (5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (4.5) NICE
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall(4) great
Softness during break-in (2) yuck
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3.5) hmm idk where to put this
Total: 36.5 x 2 = 73, 73 = C graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

string saturday! im sticking with my alphaline on the majority of my throws but im looking for a bit thinner alternative for the ones that snap at me when i bind, recommendations appreciated. byebye !


You’d prob like Sochi Normal or OT Slim

Ooh maybe Sochi Colin too :eyes:




Hello! This is one of the first strings that isn’t really made for modern 1a that i’m reviewing. If you ever had the question “does this string work for 1A” but never wanted to torture yourself, don’t fear. I did it for you. :expressionless:

YoYoFactory Retro Response String || F (49/100)

I really did have faith in this. It was really soft, felt good, and tech tricks were perfectly ok. When I felt it was broken in, I went for some slack tricks, and it did not feel very solid. I guess people better than me could make it work, but I couldn’t. Then I went for whips and oh my lord. First zero of this review page. It just wouldn’t go. I started laughing out loud, it was so very funny. I kept going for 1.5 whips and cackling when the string just wouldn’t move at all. I got used to it after the HOUR, but it’s still so funny. Tension hold was surprisingly good, and the same was with the durability. This string held sturdy really well. I have no clue what the material is, but if it’s 100% poly, I have no idea why this can’t be used for other modern strings. Also it slipped so much and basically made my monarch feel padless. Hated it. This is going in the string ball. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4)
Durability 1 hr (4) looks like i gnawed on it tho
Personal Thickness Feel (1) please never do this to me again
Whip Feel Break-In (0) HAHSHSHA
Whip Feel 1 hr (1) this is so funny but i got the hang of it
Slack Feel Break-In (2) floppy and sad
Slack Feel 1 hr (2)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (4.5) actually really good
Softness during break-in (5) GOOD
Overall consistency over 1 hour (1) nothing. i am gambling.
Total: 24.5 x 2 = 49, 49 = F graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

I’ve been meaning to find a monarch replacement for my reviews so I don’t have to use it every time, so if you have any 4.5mm gap yo-yos with a similar gap shape to the monarch (which i’m assuming contributes to binds), please comment. thanks :handshake:


Your welcome for the torture I hope it was pleasant

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:badrawb: :smiling_face:

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