Butterfly Hype-Beasts Thread šŸ¦‹ - More colours and special editions?

oh thatā€™s excellent! great way to display them too in that order. i havenā€™t tried to chop into any of mine yet but that un/glow swap is so sick :call_me_hand: and that blue on the mariposa is such a great shade

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Thatā€™s sick too see how they progress, love it

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Thanks! Yeah, I really liked that Mariposa, and the un/glow swap was my first cap swap attempt at the time. Iā€™ve refined it a bit better since too at least. Much smoother process now. Have a bunch of sparkle-fly ones I swapped up. Really fun!

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biggest thing stopping me so far is duplicates. i have one of each so Iā€™ve been hesitant to risk borking the only one of a color. seems like bout time to order another glow and un and get to work :grin:

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If you want to really overload yourself with options, you can even half-swap AND cap swap, and end up with a lot of really cool results! :slightly_smiling_face:


I had a unsuccessful butterflyless target run yesterday, wish I checked sooner and didnā€™t miss the Christmas ones :frowning:

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I have been skunked the last 3 tries.

Wife was amazing and picked up the last 3 red and white she saw when she was there.

I am a little bummed about my lack of stock. I enjoy giving them away theough out the year.


My biggest regret was not even lookingā€¦ but itā€™s not like I had money. :rofl:

I checked mine today and they were all gone.

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I wish I had a wife like that :joy:

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I stopped by one Target a few days ago, nothing. I did see some imperial and BTs at a walmart a few weeks ago though.

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Butterflies, should have been BF. I wasnā€™t paying attention.

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That looks awesome Kris!

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how much does it weigh now?


what the deuce!? isnā€™t that less than stock? i thought al guts would add weight. what sorcery are you two cooking up over there? :thinking:

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ā€œActually, thatā€™s pounds, 47 poundsā€¦ capiche?ā€


Well the big hole in the cap removes a bit of weight