Bust-A-Move Forum Teams!!!!

Just join one or make one. You don’t have to live near them to be apart of their team. Manny and drumma yo are on my team and I have no idea where they live.
If you want to make a team. Make a new post and saying “______ team, join now!” or something them tell them about your team. If you want to join just tell the team that you want to join that you want to join them.
As for the contest, just have fun with your teamates. Be creative, nobody said this was a contest only on skill. :wink:

Oh and look here for more help. http://yoyoexpert.com/forums/index.php/topic,14868.msg149919/topicseen.html#new

thanks I want join a team now.

Can i join your teams

Sure thing bro. Start making up a team name cause we are having troubles with it.

lol that’s cool thanks man. I had that problem when i started my band. how about yo_ster

Sounds pretty cool. Here is what we have already
Team Yo-ster
Crew 24 (it can be any number really)
Team Be da Best (or something)
Team throw down

We have some more but I cant remember. Which one do you like.

ahhh another falls to the manny bee… join the kusagari!!!

of course i like Yo-ster lol

Of course, but do you like any other names?

Crew 24( 24/7 non stop yo-yoing)

AHA! I like that.

lol just a thought its that number 24 man


Okay, thanks for the info. Now that I know that, what kinda challenges are there? I might want to make a team. It seems to be a fun way to pass time!

basaically whatever you can think up, usually something like forum games, i’d like to do a video battle but i don’t have a camera :cry:

Right now just these:

But you can challenge any other team or make up a game. Anytime, Anywhere.  8)


U forgiven. By the way I was JOKING!!! :smiley: lol, sorry, kinda wierd joke :stuck_out_tongue: ??? Did not know yall would be serious.

And Kei, I have been on the fourms longer than you. So I have seen mor of him. :wink:

Hey if you guys join a team you should put it in your sig. Just so we know.

i’d rather not… btw the way, do you like my new sig?