Brent stole and 1.5 hook help?

Lol welcome to hook tricks! I work on new whip and lacerations like once or twice a week bc I’m always super sore after hah! But I will say I’ve been getting a lot less sore and a lot better so atleast it’s like a physical reminder of the grind you been doing and that’s cool.

I wouldn’t worry about a small Brent stole triangle for now just try to be consistent about landing it and you will figure out how to make it bigger naturally as you get better at it. Basically you gotta whip it farther and catch it lower but that’s like not worth focusing on until you feel more comfortable with it. Nice work tho keep it up and take breaks whenever you want

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Catch the yoyo close to your TH. If the slack is moving to slowly pull away from the yoyo with you NTH instead of your TH like a hook.


I went through the exact same thing. I was having super tiny triangles at first lol. It just seemed to get better the more I did it.

And my arm felt like I did hard labor carrying buckets of water or something for a few days while working on it. Ha that’s why I haven’t put much effort into 1.5.


I feel like Brent stole requires a harder whip than 1.5 hook. The same at most.


I been confused with how much I need to whip for 1.5 hook. Is it halfways more than a normal hook?

That’s a hard question to answer since I don’t know how hard you whip for a regular hook. I think it’s a lot about technique too. Before my technique improved I would compensate by whipping harder. I think Henry’s posts and practice are about all you need to get a 1.5. Honestly I wish I would had them when I was learning.


Didn’t get a chance to watch that yet, I’m going to now.

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