Breakthru with the Breakaway !! woohooo

Finally I have made a breakthru with the Breakaway throw. !! now I can land trapeze least 6-8 out of 10 times in a row now. Last night I got home form work and thru breakaway for an hour straight. finally something just clicked and I started landing trapeze much more often. amazing. now I am totally motivated to get my Breakaway into the 95% range.

the Trick that just really recently motivated me to stop trying crap until I get the breakaway nailed is the Matrix. looks so cool and I like how you can keep it going and it has a sweet flow to it. after watching Matrix a few times I decided to focus only on Breakaway, no binds, no tricks. heck I even added corn oil (allI had at the moment lololol ) to my bearing for snappy returns with the DM so I could just stand there and keep throwing it over and over.

anyways. for all of you that are just starting, once you have a decent sleeper throw, move right into breakaway and do it exactly as Andre shows in the training vid. make a big muscle and all that. looks and feels funny but after a while it feels more and more natural.

I figure by saturday I’ll be able to start focussing on double or nothing and the Matrix !.

so much fun.

Good job. Keep practicing. Matrix is a fun one once you get it going fast.

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Thanks. it’s pretty neat now how trapeze seems to auto land itself. lol and double or nothing seems to just work as well.

nothing is more important then sticking to the CORE moves while learning and don;t be affraid to stand there for 30 minutes throwing the same move over and over.

even though you worded it kinda weirdly IMO it’s one of the best adive you can give. i hear it all the time
“I’m having trouble with Trapeze”
“well do you have a straight and strong break a way?”
“What’s a break a way?”

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great job man
you’ll get the matrix some time soon

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“nothing is more important then sticking to the CORE moves while learning and don;t be affraid to stand there for 30 minutes throwing the same move over and over.”

What more can be said?
I tell myself this all the time.

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