Depends where you are, and the people you know. Some of my friends yoyo, and some of my friends call them nerds and other things, but when I do it, they either don’t care, or are amazed.

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Everything depends on the environment around you, it always does.

For the most part yoyoing has gone from lame to acceptable, yet it has not gotten to the point where it is popularily recognized as trendy/cool/awesome.

A boom’s good, because the rest of them lames will have to accept you as the master!!! ;D
Don’t worry about not being awesome and all that though, if there’s a boom, then people will start realizing how hard it is to yoyo, and because you’ve stuck with it, you’re rewarded with crowd appreciation. ;D

yeah i finally told my friends that i yoyoed they were like dude thats dumb gay and boring
i brought my protostar to school and showed them some of my best tricks and they had no idea that you could even land it on the string… my friends started begging to give me a spare yoyo lol

I’m a beginner and I’m trying to get my two brothers into so I can at least have somone around to work with and help get better, because there are few here but not too many people in Iowa that yoyo.

i know a jonas in michigan who is from norway… ???

i think a boom would be good for those who already have some skill… those are the ones who have a better chance of staying ahead of the crowd

but i also believe those who join in the boom wont all stay with it after it becomes common, so there will just be a new group of yoyoers after the fact and another fad becomes kool… we will effectivly be back where we started

in my school, there are about 5 yoyoers (only 2 including me past the begginer section). a lot of other kids think its cool, but arent going to start anytime soon.

There’s no boom yet. When duncan, yomega and YYF make commercials, then the boom will hit. Until then it’s going to just slowly incline.

if everyone yoyoed nbody would be amazed unless ur pro

I wouldn’t mind seeing more yoyos at all… I’m pretty sure I can pass yoyoing if it was a PE course… ;D

I’m suprised how many of you yoyo to show off more then anything else. That is the part I hate the most about it. Wish people wouldn’t stare at me like I had my junk hanging out.

Dude I Know!
I Hate when I go in Public, and I try to find an empty spot where I can yoyo and nobody sees me so people dont just stare at me like I had Milk coming out of my Ears. Its Annoying, and it makes me look like im yoyoing just to get Attention. Im Actually yoyoing because thats what I like to do and it keeps me Occupied.

Why care what people think? They stare because they are interested in what you are doing, yesterday I was yoyoing in the Social Security Administration’s waiting area, even the security guard was clapping :smiley: All eyes were fixed on me, I had one earbud in and I was just passing time until they called my number. Of course I got the “Can you walk the dog?” So I walked the dog and went to a finger grind and stole on of Ibs moves where he pets his yoyo while it grinds. People thought it was hilarious, my question is, how can you compete and have a problem with people watching you yoyo?

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I don’t have a problem with it so much as I would like to be able to yoyo in public with out everyone wanting a show from me.
For me it is a nervous thing, I kinda’ have to yoyo, or something. I do astrojax, juggle, contact juggle, spinpen, diabolo, cigar boxs, kedema, Spin tops, devil/flower sticks, ect. All of which I do for reason outside of showing people. How ever for the stress relief part I need to keep me from getting peptic ulcers or having to take some meds. I play with skilltoys.
with all that in mind I do exactly what you said you did with the person who asked you about yoyos. It is just one of them things.
Some people don’t like attention some do. There is no real right or wrong.

Its not that I Dont Enjoy watching people take Interest in what I do. I actually really appreciate it that they think its a neat thing. Its just sometimes the Way people look at me, and also the Finger Pointing and all. Also sometimes some kids follow me around until I leave the store. And also sometimes Teenagers call me a Show Off. XD but I think its Hilarious when they call me that. :smiley:

I’m starting a yoyo club here in my town and we have about 8 or 9 kids that want to come.


In my country, i.e. Singapore, the “Boom” goes in conjunction whenever the japanese anime on the theme of yoyoing airs on tv. Whenever that happens, a huge amount of bootleg yoyos appear on the streets bearing the cheap stickers of the cartoon characters on the yoyos. This does get the kids and teens interested in yoyoing for a while but the interest dies down really fast once the cartoon season ends. Why is that you may ask? Answer is: The kids and teens are actually dumb enough to emulate the fictitious skills portrayed in those toons. Another reason is the lack of perseverance of which the kids find the skills of yoyoing too hard as compared to Lan gaming and Console gaming.
In my country there are mixed reactions on the skill of yoyoing, some find it interesting while others describe it as lame.
However, there is just one official store by the name of Spinworkx which is trying hard to promote the popularity of yoyoing by conducting free workshops, organizing competitions etc. As far as I can tell they are to be commended for their efforts. But kids are kids- they are very fickle.
I do hope one day I can see more and more people picking up this skill and can be categorized as a sport.

Yeah I started bringing my DMII to school and I have 1 kid that wants to learn. Everyone else could care less. Im doing insane tricks like And Whut, Suicide, Yuuki Slack, Revolutions, and they think i’m an idiot. Then I say, “Fine, lets see you land a trapeze” and they say “ok foo i pwn u” and they fail epically, then they call me censored names. People are so fickle. Down here in Florida no one cares. I was hoping to start a yoyo club at my school

I know what you mean down here in Florida we don’t have people who seem to care about yoyoing until Worlds comes to Orlando. I know because when I go out of state lots of people seem to enjoy my yoyoing… :-[