We have decided who will get the protos from the first run, it’s just really hard deciding when we’re only selling 3, and there are so many people who want one.
Okay, announcement: we have decided who the testers are for the first run, and sent them each a pm. I’m sorry if you didn’t get chosen and you really wanted to, but it was all tough decisions. If you are son the list then there is a high chance that you will get to have one sometime in the future. we plan on doing at least 4 runs, selling one more each time, which adds up to 18 people, and maybe more if needed.
that all depends on the machinist we’re getting our yo-yos from. he is really busy a lot of the time with higher priority jobs, so it takes a while to get our yo-yos done. I’m hoping by the end of the summer we will have a new run.
no, not everyone. I don’t think you guys understand, we can really only do a few at a time until we do a full runb. next run we will sell 4, then 5, then 6, then maybe 7 or 8 if there are still people who want them.
Hmmmm I’m having a lot of problems here… I just did some testing and found that the volume calculation that I was doing earlier is apparently very inaccurate. I fond some cross sections of yo-yos that are already in production, replicated them, and found that the software that I was using told me the weight was about 10 grams different from what the yoyo actually weighs. does anyone have any suggestions?
Is it ten grams off every time, or is it proportional to the actual volume? if it’s 10 off one time and 20 off another, just setup a ratio of “grams off” to “total actual grams” , and you can plug the data created by the program into the ratio to find the actual volume. does that help?