blog for yo-yo players in Virginia

If you guys want to meet up next weekend in Tyson’s I can probably manage it. I know the wife and I have plans Saturday evening but outside of that I should be good

I say we meet in the afternoon then. Inside the mall I guess, someone has to figure out exactly where, I haven’t been there in a while. Let’s say 12 or 1 ? What do you guys think?

So far it’s me sam and cdd1983 and Bunin will have to wait. So sounds like a plan to me :slight_smile:

So nobody in the Tidewater area?

Apparently I had our Saturday plans wrong. We’re doing some sort of all day thing; I thought we were just having a couple people over for a game night, but I guess that changed at some point. Does Sunday work for you guys?

Hey Guys, so Sunday morning works for me. I have something to do later on Sunday. So I can prob leave Alexandria around 10am and prob be in lessburg by 11 ish. Does that work? Cdd… Waiting for you to respond.

So leesburg on sun morning? Is that right I’m confused.

Yea if thats ok with you, Sam thought it would be closer for you to get to leesburg then tysons.

And Sunday morning works best for me, so now waiting to confirm with Sam.

Are you ok with Sunday morning? N in leesburg @ SAMs house.

Yea that’s fine with me. Leesburg is much easier to get to also.

Waiting for Sam to confirm…

Sorry for the confusion on this cdd and Nivo. I blame my wife, she gave me bad info about next weekend. I spoke to Niven on the phone and after getting my wife to reconfirm our plans, we’ll be doing the yo-yo meet on Saturday (same plan as before, probably like 11AM - ?) somewhere in Leesburg. We can figure out the location during the week. If it’s just the three of us then we can just meet up at my house, otherwise we’ll pick a local park or something

Sounds great Sam!!! So it’s confirmed. Cdd and I will be in leesburg on Saturday at 11 am oct 15. Most likely at Sams place. So not Sunday lol back to Saturday. I’ll be leaving Alexandria around 10am. CDD is that ok with you? I think it’s just the three of us. Btw cdd what’s your name?

Well my name is Craig and that should be fine with me. Just let me know where we will be going. Pm me an address or something once we settle on a location.

It was a small meet, but Nivo and I met up in Reston Town Center last week and it was a lot of fun. I really want to start tracking down other people in the area so we can start getting a larger meet going.

If you’re anywhere in the ballpark of the DC area, let us know so we can start to figure out a good central location to everybody.

Figured I should post this here as well for the other VA people. We’re trying to see what the interest in a cross-state VA/MD meet on the National Mall in DC would be, so we started up a doodle with a couple proposed weekends in November. If you’re interested, mark whichever days you’re available on. Whichever day has the most people available is what we’ll use for the meet… if we get enough interest.

Here’s the link: (

updated with my available dates :slight_smile:

We have a tie on the doodle poll so I’ve consolidated it to the two Saturday options (12th or the 19th). I was hoping that if we leave the poll open a little longer that we might get a couple more people to resolve the tie.

If you haven’t filled out the poll yet and you’re interested in coming, hop on over and fill it out (

Noon on the National Mall on either the 12th or 19th. If we haven’t resolved the tie by Monday I’ll just flip a coin.

I’m a newbie (started yesterday) and I’m in Harrisonburg. :slight_smile:

I see you found it.

Of course, I’m not entirely incompetent :stuck_out_tongue:

Come to the meet