Does anyone ever read My/YoYoExpert’s posts? You don’t need to comment on how people wanna post. If you’re not happy, just tell Andre or dryoyo, they will do what they feel is right.
Let me make this clear - there is a difference between you personally following the rules and then you telling other people to follow them too. Unless you are a moderator (which no one here is yet) you should not be the one to tell other people how to post.
Rules are there for guidance but on an online forum there is only so much you can do. We will correct things when needed but from here forward if you have a problem with how someone is posting please personal message or email us -
There is no need to make anyone feel unwelcome - many people are new and do not know the rules. Many people are very young too and just learning. Remember this.
We want correct grammar to make things easy for others - but we are not going to attack or yell at each other to get it. Be mature and use correct grammar if you have those skills. Be a model for others to follow - that is the idea.