Bird in hand, Chico Ca

Is an amazing store, I met a board mod there today, Dr.yo i think, sorry im forgetful. I tried atleast 12 yoyos and had great service. Ive gotten all my metals from there, except b-grade dv888 and dingo.

I guess what im trying to say is that if you live in california and enjoy road trips definitely stop by this store, even if your not buying anything there a chance you’ll see a pro, I met augie fash. :smiley:

Last thing is the 888 with the LoR writing in it an 09 or 888x?

Whats up man. It was cool to run into you today.

And the LoTR 888 is an 09 888

yea… its a great store…
I live in CA!! Why not drive 500 mile to a yoyo store!!!

I HAVE to go next time I go to california. ;D

Yay! I live in California. I’m going to the Nationals, so I’ll buy some stuff from Bird N’ Hand there! Yay! ;D

I went to Nationals last year and stopped by the store. It’s amazing. I got to try like 20 yoyos.

You too, thanks for answering my question i thought it was 09, just wanted to be sure.